National Artificial Insemination Programme (NAIP)
“Rashtriya Gokul Mission” a Central sector Scheme has been launched in Dec. 2014 with the aim of enhancing milk production and productivity of the bovine population in the country along with a focus on the Conservation and Development of Indigenous breeds.
A new Programme National Artificial Insemination Programme (N.A.I.P) which was launched on 11th September 2019 covers 600 chosen districts including aspirational districts as identified by NITI Aayog has picked up the pace.
Objectives of the National Artificial Insemination Programme
- Birth of genetically superior male and female bovine breeds.
- Increase in Milk Production.
- Adoption of A.l. technology by a large number of Farmers.
- Increase in Farmers’ income.
Funding Pattern of NAIP
The activity will be covered under the scheme Rashtriya Gokul Mission under the component of “Development and conservation of indigenous breeds” as per the guidelines of the scheme. The sub-scheme will be implemented as per the funding pattern approved under RGM on a 100 % grant-in-aid basis.
Implementing Agencies in NAIP
The NAIP programme will be implemented by the State Implementing Agencies (SlAs). In the programme, all stakeholders involved in Bovine breeding activities in the State like a private reputed NGO, BAIF will be involved. The A.I. services will be provided through field A.I. institutions spread over all the districts.
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