Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture 2014

About Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)

The Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) is a government of India initiative that was launched in 2014 as a successor to the National Horticulture Mission (NHM). The mission is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare and focuses on the development and promotion of horticulture in the country, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, and spices.

Objectives of the MIDH are:

    1. Increasing the area under horticulture cultivation, productivity, and production: Through area expansion, introducing high-yielding varieties, and promoting precision farming techniques.
    2. Improving the income of farmers: By providing financial and technical assistance to farmers, strengthening value chains, and promoting agri-businesses.
    3. Improving the post-harvest handling and processing of horticultural produce: By providing infrastructure facilities, and promoting the use of modern technologies and practices.
    4. Increase the export of horticultural produce: By providing export infrastructure facilities, promoting the participation of farmers in international trade fairs, and creating export-oriented clusters.
    5. Promote the use of modern technologies in horticulture: Such as precision farming, organic farming, and integrated pest management.
    6. Develop a sustainable horticulture ecosystem: By promoting organic and sustainable farming practices, rainwater harvesting, and water management.
    7. Focusing on regions with specific needs: By promoting horticulture in tribal and hill areas, in North Eastern regions, and desert regions.
    8. Encourage participation of the private sector and NGOs in the development and promotion of horticulture.
    9. To bring about an integrated development of horticulture in the country covering fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms, spices, floral crops, aromatics, medicinal plants, and bamboo with a focus on increasing productivity, improving nutritional security, augmenting farmer’s income, creation of employment opportunities and export promotion.
    10. To encourage organic farming and sustainable farming practices, and develop the cold chain infrastructure to reduce post-harvest losses and to increase the shelf life of horticulture produce.
    11. To create an ecosystem in which horticulture is made a profitable and remunerative enterprise for the farmers and create an enabling environment for public-private partnership.
    12. To support farmers, farmer producer organizations, and entrepreneurs in creating Agri-Horti-clusters, including setting up pack houses, cold storage, pre-cooling units, ripening chambers, creating branded products, and establishing linkages with processing industries and markets.

Funding Pattern of MIDH

  • The funding for the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) is provided by the Government of India, and is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare.
  • The funding is provided through the centrally sponsored scheme, which means that the central government provides the majority of the funding, while the state governments also contribute a certain portion.
  • The government of India (GoI) contributes 60% of the total outlay for developmental programs in all the states except states in the case of North Eastern States and the Himalayan States, GoI contributes 90%.

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