Field Crops Rabi B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Field Crops Rabi B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Field Crops Rabi for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Field Crops eagri for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Field Crops Rabi for B.Sc. Agriculture

  1. Importance, Area, Production, and Productivity of Major Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, Sugar Crops, Medicinal and Aromatics, and Forage Crops
  2. Wheat Cultivation
  3. Barley Cultivation
  4. Triticale Cultivation
  5. Chickpea Cultivation
  6. Lentil Cultivation
  7. Field pea Cultivation
  8. French bean Cultivation
  9. Area, Production, Productivity and Importance and Byproducts Utilization of Oilseeds
  10. Rapeseed- Mustard Cultivation
  11. Sunflower Cultivation
  12. Safflower Cultivation
  13. Linseed Cultivation
  14. Area, Production, Productivity and Byproducts Utilization ( Sugarcane and Sugarbeet) in India
  15. Sugarcane Cultivartion
  16. Tropical Sugarbeet Cultivation
  17. Area, Production, Productivity, and Importance of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops in India
  18. Mentha (Mint) Cultivation
  19. Lemongrass Cultivation
  20. Citronella Cultivation
  21. Palmarosa Cultivation
  22. Isabagol Cultivation
  23. Area, Production, Productivity, and Important Tuber
  24. Potato Cultivation
  25. Area, Production, Productivity, and Importance of Narcotics in India
  26. Tobacco Cultivation
  27. Forage Crops, Forage Grasses, and Legumes Cultivation
  28. Berseem Cultivation
  29. Lucerne Cultivation
  30. Oats Cultivation
  31. Preservation of Fodder- Hay & Silage Making

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