Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Production Technology of Vegetables & Flowers ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers for B.Sc. Agriculture.

Agronomy JRF

  1. Importance of olericulture 
  2. Vegetable gardens
  3. Vegetable classification
  4. Tomato cultivation
  5. Brinjal cultivation
  6. Bhendi cultivation
  7. Cucurbitaceous vegetable cultivation
  8. Cole crops cultivation
  9. Onion cultivation
  10. Garlic cultivation
  11. Peas cultivation
  12. French beans cultivation
  13. Cluster bean cultivation
  14. Hyacinth cultivation
  15. Cowpea cultivation
  16. Potato cultivation
  17. Sweet potato cultivation
  18. Colocasia and taro cultivation
  19. Yams cultivation
  20. Carrot cultivation
  21. Radish cultivation
  22. Turnip cultivation
  23. Beetroot cultivation
  24. Amaranthus, palak, and gogu
  25. Drumstick, coccinea, and curry leaf
  26. Importance of ornamental garden
  27. Types and styles of ornamental garden
  28. Use of trees, shrubs, climbers, palms, houseplants, and seasonal flowers in the gardens
  29. Rose cultivation
  30. Jasmine cultivation
  31. Chrysanthemum cultivation
  32. Crossandra cultivation
  33. Marigold cultivation
  34. Tuberose cultivation

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