Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Plantation Crops ICAR E Course PDF

Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Plantation Crops ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Plantation Crops for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Plantation Crops e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal, and Plantation Crops for B.Sc. Agriculture.

Agronomy JRF

  1. Cultivation of Ginger
  2. Cultivation of Turmeric
  3. Cultivation of Pepper
  4. Cultivation of Cardamom
  5. Cultivation of Coriander
  6. Cultivation of Cumin
  7. Cultivation of Fenugreek
  8. Cultivation of Lemongrass
  9. Cultivation of Citronella
  10. Cultivation of Palmarosa Grass
  11. Cultivation of Vetiver
  12. Cultivation of Geranium
  13. Cultivation of Davana
  14. Cultivation of Coconut
  15. Cultivation of Arecanut
  16. Cultivation of Betelvine
  17. Cultivation of Cashew
  18. Cultivation of Cocoa
  19. Cultivation of Coffee
  20. Cultivation of Oil Palm
  21. Cultivation of Medicinal Yam
  22. Cultivation of Sarpagandha
  23. Cultivation of Opium
  24. Cultivation of Ocimum
  25. Cultivation of Periwinkle
  26. Cultivation of Aloe vera
  27. Cultivation of Guggul
  28. Cultivation of Belladona
  29. Cultivation of Nux Vomica
  30. Cultivation of Medicinal Solanum
  31. Cultivation of Aonla
  32. Cultivation of Senna
  33. Cultivation of Isabagol
  34. Cultivation of Stevia
  35. Cultivation of Stevia
  36. Cultivation of Coleus
  37. Cultivation of Acorus

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