MP Vyapam High School Teacher Eligibility Test Agriculture Syllabus
MP PEB released the MP TET Notification 2023 for the High School Teacher’s Eligibility Test 2023 on December 27, 2022. Candidates can apply for the MP HSTET from January 12 to January 27, 2023. Interested candidates can apply online for MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test at
MP HSTET 2023 Agriculture – Exam Syllabus
The syllabus of MP HSTET Agriculture is divided into two parts.
1. General Hindi- विलोम शब्द, शब्दावली, व्याकरण, समानार्थक शब्द, वाक्यों का अनुवाद, रिक्त स्थान, त्रुटि का पता लगाना, परिच्छेद, वाक्यांश, मुहावरे, बहुवचन, आदि ।
2. General English- Verb, Tense, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Re-Arrangement, Unseen Passage, Vocabulary, Antonyms, Synonyms, Grammer, Idiom and Phrase, etc.
3. Current Affairs events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian National Movements, Indian and World Geography- Physical, Social, and Economic geography of India and the World, etc. Indian Polity and Governance- Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public issues, Articles, Rights, etc. Economic and Social Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc. General issues on Environment, Ecology, Bio-diversity, Climate change, and General Science. Indian culture, national and international sports, History, geography, and political science of Madhya Pradesh, economic and social development of Madhya Pradesh.
4. Reasoning and Numerical Ability
a) Reasoning Ability- General Mental/ Analytical Ability, Verbal/Logical reasoning, Relations & Hierarchies, Analogies, Assertion, Truth Statements, Coding & Decoding, Situational Reasoning, Series & Patterns involving words & Alphabets.
b) Numerical Ability- Two and three-dimensional/ Venn diagrams based questions, Number patterns, Series Sequences, Basic Numeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude, etc.), Arithmetic aptitude, Data interpretation (Charts, Graphs or Tables, Data sufficiency, etc.), Direction sense, Analysis and interpretation in various contexts.
5. Pedagogy
I. Pedagogical concerns
a) Curriculum: meaning, principles, types of curriculum organization, approaches.
b) Planning: Instructional plan- Year plan, Unit plan, Lesson plan.
c) Instructional material and Resources: Textbooks, Workbooks, supplementary material- Audio Visual aids, Laboratories, Library, Clubs- Museums- Community, Information, and Communication Technology.
d)Evaluation: Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of scholastic achievement test.
II. Inclusive education
a) Understanding diversities: concept types (disability as a dimension of diversity)
b) Disability as a social construct, classification of disability and its educational implications- Sensory impairments (Hearing Impairment and Deaf-Blind, Cognitive Disabilities (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, and Specific Learning Disability), Physical Disabilities (cerebral palsy and loco-motor).
c) Philosophy of inclusion concerning children with disability.
d) Process of inclusion: concern issues across disabilities.
e) Constitutional provisions.
f) Education & Technology.
III. Communication & interaction- Theory of communication, Types of communication, Communication & Language, Communication in the classroom, barriers in communication.
IV. Educational Psychology- Strategies of Children’s learning, factors affecting learning- attention, and interest. How children learn.
1. Agriculture, its importance in the national economy, agroecological zones, and geographic distribution of crop plants.
2. Important Crops of India and M.P. Package of practices for cultivation of Cereal, Pulses, Oilseeds, Sugar, Fibre and forage crops. Different cropping Systems, Crop rotations, multiple and relay cropping, intercropping, mixed cropping, and sequence cropping.
3. Crop weather relationships, droughts, floods, Cold waves and frosts, Meteorological services to agriculture.
4. Soil as a medium for plant growth and its Composition, minerals, and organic constituents of the soil; and their role in crop production. Soils types of India and M.P. Chemical, Physical and microbiological properties of soils, Essential plant nutrients, their functions and deficiency symptoms, Occurrence and Cycling in soils. Straight, Complex, and mixed fertilizers and biofertilizers manufactured and marketed in India, Manures and their Preparation, Green Manuring, and Integrated nutrient management for plants. Management of problem soils such as saline, alkali, and acid soils.
5. Soil and water management. Irrigation methods, soil erosion, its causes, and control measures. Rainwater conservation. Watershed development, Rainfed farming principles, and practices. 6. Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition, absorption, translocation, and metabolism of nutrients, Importance of Transpiration, Photosynthesis, and respiration in Plant growth. Growth and development auxins and hormones in plant growth.
7. Plant Morphology, Pollination and Fertilization, Structure of cell and cell division, the outline of the classification of Plant and Animal Kingdom and Study of important Families (Legumineceae, Gramineae, Solanaceae, Malvaceae, Cruciferae, Compositaeae, Cucurbitaceae) & Phyllums. Elements of genetics and plant breeding as applied to the improvement of crops, and the development of plant hybrids and composites. Important varieties, hybrids, and composites of major crops, Development of Transgenic Crops.
8. Important fruits and vegetable crops of M.P. and India, their package of practices. Crop rotations, intercropping and companion crops, the role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. Post-harvest Technology. Preservation of Fruits and vegetable Meaning, Importance, Limitations, Principles, Methods, and Future Prospects, Study of main preserved products- Pickle, Jam, Jelly, Ketchup, Sause, and Squash, Study of Flowering and Medicinal crops (Marigold, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Gelardia, Gladiolus, Dahlia and Gerbera, Isabgol, Buch, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Garlic), Study of Jatropha, Lemon grass and Citronella grass.
9. Serious weeds, pests, and diseases affecting major crops. Principles of plant protection measures. Integrated control of weeds, pests, and diseases. Study of Beneficial Insects- Honey bee, Lac Insect, Silkworm, Earthworm and study of Ecofriendly insects, Introduction to Various Micro-organisms and their importance in agriculture.
10. Principles and objectives of surveying. Contouring. Farm development, land capability Classification. Farm machinery and equipment. Bullock drew and power drove Farm implements. Mechanization and its relevance and scope in India. Seedbed preparation, land shaping, seeding and intercultural tools or equipment, plant protection equipment, harvesting and threshing machines, post-harvest machinery, Care and maintenance before and after use of farm implements and machinery.
11. Economics with reference to agriculture. Farm planning and resource management for enhanced production. Factors of Crop production and production relationships, marketing of agricultural produce and regulated markets in M.P. Price of agricultural produce and its role in agricultural development. Major sources of Agricultural finance, Crop Insurance Scheme, Cooperation, and its principles. Formation of Important Co-operative organization.
12. Principles and objectives of agricultural extension. Extension organization at the state, district, and block levels, their structure, functions, and responsibilities. Methods of Communication, the role of farm organizations in extension services.
13. Animal Husbandry, Poultry Farming, and Milk Trade – Importance of various livestock including Poultry in the Indian Economy, Study of External body parts of different farm animals (Cow, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goat) and poultry. Selection of site for livestock and poultry farm. Different systems of housing of cattle and poultry, the layout of various cattle shed and Poultry sheds, Breed of cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep and Goat, and Poultry, their origin, characteristics, classification, and utility. Sings of health and diseases in farm livestock and poultry. Equipment and medicines used in veterinary, Common cattle, and animal disease. Feed and Fodder, Computation of ration for castles, animal breeding, artificial insemination and embryo transfer technique, Milk trade- various schemes related to the development of dairy business, white revolution, composition of milk, colostrum and factors affecting it, milk chilling, testing, pasteurization, homogenization and standardization, the study of milk products.
14. Study of various agricultural research, training, and educational institutions.
15. Study of Agricultural Statistics- Collection, classification, tabulation, and diagrammatic representation of data. Study of various measures of central tendency and dispersion.
16. Physics, Chemistry, and mathematics useful for Agriculture Physics- Properties of matter, simple machines, Gravitation, Friction, Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnet, and magnetism. Chemistry- Atomic Structure, Chemical bond, Ionization, Organic Chemistry (Introduction, Importance, Classification of organic compounds, Nomenclature, Empirical Molecular, and structural formulas, Isomerism), Hydrocarbon, Fermentation, Alcohol, Oil, Fat and Soaps, Elementary biochemistry. Mathematics- Trigonometry (Simple calculation based on trigonometrical ratios for any value and angle and sum & difference for two angles), Simple problem related to the Area and Volume of – Triangle, Quadrilateral, Circle, Prism, and Cubes. Series (A.P., G.P., and H.P.) related simple problems.
17. Computer in Agriculture- Elementary information, Generations of Computers, Window operating system and its uses, Utility of Internet and Multimedia in Agriculture.
MP High School TET 2023 Exam Pattern
MP HSTET exam will be conducted online in English and Hindi. One correct question will offer 1 mark and 0.25 negative marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Eligibility for MP HSTET is a Master’s degree with Second Division in the concerned subject with B.Ed. or its equivalent
There is the total number of questions in MP HSTET 2023 will be 150 and the exam paper will be divided into two groups.
Part A: This part will contain 30 questions and cover General Hindi, General English, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, and Pedagogy.
Part B: This part will contain the core syllabus’s 120 questions and cover Questions from the Subject Concerned.
MP HSTET 2023 Preparation Strategy
- Candidate Must have very good knowledge of the MP HSTET Agriculture Recruitment syllabus.
- Read the best basic books and study material which will cover each and every part of the syllabus.
- In, the initial stage of MP HSTET preparation cover, the basic part of the syllabus then read the remaining advanced part.
- Mastery of the syllabus will be achieved when the candidate reads the entire syllabus.
- After the cover entire syllabus, evaluate and analyze the previous paper on MP HSTET Recruitment 2023. It will help to understand the level of Examination.
- Students must participate in the mock test series for MP HSTET 2023.
MP HSTET Agriculture 2023 Best Books for Preparation
- Fundamentals of Agriculture – Volume 1 and 2 – 2021 – Arun Katyayan – BUY NOW
- Agriculture at a Glance: An Enhanced Competition Explorer R.K. Sharma et al – BUY NOW
- Agriculture Success by BR Dall – BUY NOW
- Agriculture Success Objective by BR Dall – BUY NOW
- Order Complete Study Material for MP HSTET Agriculture – BUY NOW
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