Rajasthan Agriculture Supervisor Syllabus in English 2023
RSMSSB Agriculture Supervisor Posts is a golden opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the agriculture sector. The application process for this prestigious role will start as per the instructions of the board, the entire process will be conducted online. Interested candidates can stay updated on RSMSSB Exam Dates by visiting the official website. Agriculture Supervisor Latest Syllabus, Rajasthan Agriculture Supervisor Syllabus 2023, RSMSSB Agriculture Supervisor Syllabus, Agriculture Supervisor Vacancy 2023, Agriculture Supervisor Recruitment 2023. Exam Date for Rajasthan Agriculture Supervisor is 21st October. To be eligibility for this post, candidates must have a B.Sc in Agriculture or B.Sc Honors in Agriculture or have completed their Senior Secondary Examination (10th & 12th class) with specialization in Agriculture from a recognized Board/Institute or University.
Agriculture Supervisor Recruitment 2023
The RSSB has approved the recruitment of new Rajasthan Agriculture Supervisors for, a total of 430 posts. There will be 385 NON-TSP Posts and 45 TSP Posts among these. The Rajasthan Agriculture Department will now forward the application to the Staff Selection Board.
Agriculture Supervisor Syllabus in English
भाग – I सामान्य हिंदी
- दिये गये शब्दों की संधि एवं शब्दों का संधि-विच्छेद।
- उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय – इनके संयोग से शब्द संरचना तथा शब्दों से उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय को पृथक् करना, इनकी पहचान ।
- समस्त (सामासिक) पद् की रचना करना, समस्त ( सामासिक) पद का विग्रह करना ।
- शब्द युग्मों का अर्थ भेद ।
- पर्यायवाची शब्द और विलोम शब्द ।
- शब्द शुद्धि – दिये गये अशुद्ध शब्दों को शुद्ध लिखना ।
- वाक्य शुद्धि – वर्तनी संबंधी अशुद्धियों को छोडकर वाक्य संबंधी अन्य व्याकरणिक अशुद्धियों का शुद्धिकरण ।
- वाक्यांश के लिये एक उपयुक्त शब्द ।
- पारिभाषिक शब्दावली – प्रशासन से सम्बन्धित अंग्रेजी शब्दों के समकक्ष हिन्दी शब्द | –
- मुहावरे वाक्यों में केवल सार्थक प्रयोग अपेक्षित है। –
- लोकोक्ति वाक्यों में केवल सार्थक प्रयोग अपेक्षित है।
भाग – II राजस्थान का सामान्य ज्ञान, इतिहास एवं संस्कृति
- राजस्थान की भौगोलिक संरचना – भौगोलिक विभाजन, जलवायु, प्रमुख पर्वत, नदियां, मरूस्थल एवं फसलें ।
- राजस्थान का इतिहास
- सभ्यताएं – कालीबंगा एवं आहड़
- प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व – महाराणा कुंभा, महाराणा सांगा, महाराणा प्रताप राव जोधा, राव मालदेव, महाराजा जसवंतसिंह, वीर दुर्गादास, जयपुर के महाराजा मानसिंह – प्रथम, सवाई जयसिंह, बीकानेर के महाराजा गंगासिंह इत्यादि ।
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख साहित्यकार, लोक कलाकार, संगीतकार, गायक कलाकार, खेल एवं खिलाडी इत्यादि ।
- भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में राजस्थान का योगदान एवं राजस्थान का एकीकरण ।
- विभिन्न राजस्थानी बोलियां, कृषि, पशुपालन क्रियाओं की राजस्थानी शब्दावली ।
- कृषि, पशुपालन एवं व्यावसायिक शब्दावली ।
- लोक देवी – देवता – प्रमुख संत एवं सम्प्रदाय ।
- प्रमुख लोक पर्व, त्योहार, मेले – पशुमेले ।
- राजस्थानी लोक कथा, लोक गीत एवं नृत्य, मुहावरे, कहावतें, फड, लोक नाट्य, लोक वाद्य एवं कठपुतली कला ।
- विभिन्न जातियां जन जातियां ।
- स्त्री- पुरूषों के वस्त्र एवं आभूषण ।
- चित्रकारी एवं हस्तशिल्पकला चित्रकला की विभिन्न शैलियां, भित्ति चित्र, प्रस्तर शिल्प, काष्ठ कला, – मृदमाण्ड (मिट्टी) कला, उस्ता कला, हस्त औजार, नमदे-गलीचे आदि
- स्थापत्य दुर्ग, महल, हवेलियां, छतरियां, बावडियां तालाब मंदिर-मस्जिद आदि ।
- संस्कार एवं रीति रिवाज । ।
- धार्मिक, ऐतिहासिक एवं पर्यटन स्थल
Unit- III Agronomy
- Geographical location of Rajasthan, general knowledge of agriculture and agriculture statistics, scenario and importance of agriculture, horticulture and livestock in the state. Main constraints in agriculture and horticulture production of Rajasthan. Climatic zones of Rajasthan, soil fertility and productivity, alkaline and usar lands, acidic lands and their management.
- Types of soils in Rajasthan, soil erosion, methods of water and soil conservation, availability and sources of essential nutrients for plants, terminology of traditional agricultural practices in Rajasthani language, importance of organic fertilizers, types and methods of preparation and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium Fertilizers, single mixed and compound fertilizers and methods of their use, importance of irrigation in crop production, sources of irrigation, water demand of crops and factors affecting them. Need, time and quantity of irrigation, drainage and its importance, methods of drainage. Terminology related to conventional irrigation with reference to Rajasthan, soil testing and improvement of problematic soils. Sizel, hay making, fodder conservation.
- Weeds – characteristics, classification, harm caused by weeds, methods of weed control, weed control with weedicide chemicals in main crops of Rajasthan, vocabulary of weeds in Rajasthani language.
- Climate, soil, field preparation, varieties, seed treatment, seed rate, sowing time, fertilizer, irrigation, intercrop, plant protection, harvesting, storage and crop cycle for the following main crops: Cereal crops Maize, Jowar, Bajra Paddy, wheat and barley. Oilseed crops – Groundnut, Sesame, Soybean, Mustard, Linseed, Castor, Sunflower and Taramira.
- Lentils, moong, chanwla, lentils, urad, moth, gram and peas.
- Fiber crops cotton.
- Fodder crops, Berseem, Rizka and Oats. Spice crops Fennel, fenugreek, cumin and coriander.
- Cash crops Guar and Sugarcane.
- Properties of quality seed, seed germination and factors affecting it, seed classification, basic nucleus seed, breeder seed, foundation seed, certified seed.
- Dry farming – Importance, technology of dry farming mixed cropping, its types and importance. Crop circle importance and principle. Information about important schemes of Agriculture Department in the context of Rajasthan, storage of grains and seeds.
Unit – IV: Horticulture
- Importance of horticulture fruits and vegetables, present status and future, nursery management of fruit plants. Various drawing methods of plant propagation, selection and planning of the place of planting orchard. Adverse weather conditions like Frost, Loo and Aflan and their solutions. Use of various plant growth regulators in orchard, methods of vegetable production and nursery management in vegetable production.
- Horticulture crops including climate, soil, improved varieties, propagation methods, biofertilizers and fertilizers, irrigation, harvesting, yield, major pests and diseases and their control in Rajasthan – Mango, Citrus fruits, Guava, Pomegranate, Papaya, Ber Dates, Amla, Grapes, Garlic, Beel, Tomato, Onion, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Okra, Pumpkin class vegetables, Brinjal, Chilli, Garlic, Pea, Carrot, Radish, Spinach. Importance of fruit and vegetable preservation, present status and future principles and methods of fruit preservation, techniques of canning, drying and dehydration and their traditional methods in Rajasthan.
- Methods of making Phalpak (Jam), Avleh (Jelly), Candy, Sharbat, Panak (Squash) etc.
- General knowledge of cultivation of medicinal plants and flowers in the context of Rajasthan Important schemes of Horticulture Department in the context of Rajasthan.
Unit – V: Animal Husbandry
- Importance of animal husbandry in agriculture Importance and management of livestock in milk production Characteristics, utility and general knowledge of the place of origin of the following livestock breeds :- Cows – Gir, Tharparkar, Nagauri, Rathi, Jersey, Holiston Friesian, Bhalvi, Haryana, Mewati.
- Buffalo Murra, Surti, Neeli Ravi, Bhadavari Jafarwadi, Mehsana.
- Goat – Jamnapari, Barbari, Beetal, Toggenberg.
- Sheep – Marwadi, Chokla, Malpura, Marino, Karakul, Jaisalmeri, Avivastra, Avikaleen. Camel management, age calculation of animals.
- Types, uses, quantity and method of giving medicines of common animal medicines. Antiseptics – Phenyl, Carbolic acid, Potassium permanganate (reddish), Lysol
- Laxative – Magnesium Sulphate (Macsulph), Castor oil.
- Stimulants – Alcohol, Camphor.
- Anthelmintic – Blue Throat, Finovis.
- Mardan oil – Turpentine oil.
- Factors, symptoms and treatment of main diseases of animals of Rajasthan – Plague, Foot and mouth, Lagdi, Anthrax, Galghotu Thanela disease, Milk fever, Ranikhet, Chicken pox, Bloody dysentery of chickens.
- Milk production, milk and curd composition, clean milk production, milk preservation, milk testing and quality. Determination of fat in milk, relative density, acidity and method of cream separation and requirement of instruments and method of making curd, paneer and ghee. Cleaning and sterilization of dairy utensils. Vocabulary related to animal husbandry practices and activities in the context of Rajasthan.
Agriculture Supervisor Exam Pattern
क्रमांक |
विषय |
कुल प्रश्न |
कुल अंक |
1 |
सामान्य हिंदी |
15 |
45 |
2 |
सामान्य ज्ञान (राजस्थान का इतिहास, कला-संस्कृति और भूगोल) |
25 |
75 |
3 |
शस्य विज्ञान |
20 |
60 |
4 |
उद्यान विज्ञान |
20 |
60 |
5 |
पशुपालन |
20 |
60 |
कुल |
100 |
300 |
Preparation Strategy for Agriculture Supervisor
Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the syllabus of the exam and understand the topics that will be covered.
Make a study plan: Once you understand the syllabus, make a study plan that suits your learning style and schedule.
Practice with previous year papers: This also helps you to gauge your preparation level and identify the areas you need to focus on.
Focus on Basics: The RSMSSB Agriculture Supervisor 2023 exam covers a wide range of topics, but it is important to remember that it is based on your understanding of the basics.
Time Management: Time management is important for any competitive exam. Make sure you practice managing your time during your preparation.
Agriculture Supervisor Important Links
Agriculture Supervisor Official Notification 2023 | Notification |
Agriculture Supervisor 2023 Apply Online | Apply Online |
RSMSSB Official Website | Website |
Join Telegram | Telegram |
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