UPSSSC Forest Guard Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern
UPSSSC Forest Guard Syllabus

UPSSSC Forest Guard 2023 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission has unveiled a new opportunity for aspiring Forest Guards (Van Daroga) with the announcement of 701 open positions. To be considered for the role, it is essential for applicants to have a thorough understanding of the UPSSSC Van Daroga Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023. In this article, we will delve into the comprehensive UPSSSC Forest Guard Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 to aid candidates in their preparation journey. Stay tuned for a detailed rundown of the UPSSSC Van Daroga syllabus 2023 and exam pattern.

UPSSSC Forest Guard Syllabus

The selection process for the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission’s Forest Guard (Van Daroga) positions involves a two-step evaluation consisting of a written test and a Physical Efficiency Test. The written examination carries significant weight and will play a crucial role in determining the final selection. As a result, it is vital for applicants to properly prepare by familiarizing themselves with the UPSSSC Forest Guard (Van Daroga) Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023. The UP Forest Guard (Van Daroga) syllabus 2023 offers valuable insight into the topics that will be covered in the written examination, allowing candidates to develop a personalized preparation strategy. A comprehensive UPSSSC Forest Guard (Van Daroga) syllabus 2023 PDF, including section-wise information, is available for download through the link provided in this article.

UP Forest Guard Syllabus 2023

1. National Forest Policy

2. National Wild Life Action Plan

3. National Park and Bird Sanctuaries

4. Reserved Forest and Protected Forest

5. Eco-Sensitive Zone

6. Elephant and Tiger Reserves

7. Eco-System, Eco-tone, and Environmental Ecological Eɛlance

8. Forest Conservation Act, Indian Forest Act, and Wildlife Protection Act

9. Climate Change, Climate Protection and COP-27 Conference

10. Carbon Credit

11. Soil and Moisture Conservation

12. Afforestation and Agro-forestry

13. Forest Settlements

14. Mutation of Forest Land in Revenue records

15. Challenges and prevention of forest disasters

16. Forest Produce

17. Forest Certification

18. Human-Wildlife Conflicts

19. Duties and Rights of Forester

20. Action Plan for Plantation

21. Forest Environment and its benefits

22. Forest and Wildlife Conservation

23. Government laws and policies for Forest Conservation

24. Contribution of Forests in the Indian Economy

25. Forest Ecology

26. Indian Agricultural System and Crop Circles

UP Forest Guard Syllabus 2023 in Hindi

1. राष्ट्रीय वन नीति

. राष्ट्रीय वन्य जीव कार्य योजना

3. राष्ट्रीय उद्यान एवं पक्षी विहार

4. आरक्षित वन और संरक्षित वन

5. पारिस्थितिकी संवेदनशील क्षेत्र

6. हाथी और टाइगर रिजर्व

7. इको सिस्टम, इकोटोन और पर्यावरण पारिस्थितिक संतुलन

8. वन संरक्षण अधिनियम, भारतीय वन अधिनियम और वन्यजीव संरक्षण अधिनियम

9. जलवायु परिवर्तन, जलवायु संरक्षण और सीओपी 27 सम्मेलन

10. कार्बन क्रेडिट

11. मृदा और आर्द्रता संरक्षण

12. वनीकरण और कृषि वानिकी

13. वन बंदोबस्त

14. वन भूमि का राजस्व अभिलेखों में नामांतरण

15. वन आपदाओं की चुनौतियाँ और रोकथाम

16. वन उपज

17. वन प्रमाणन

18. मानव वन्यजीव संघर्ष

19. वन दरोगा के कर्तव्य एवं अधिकार

20. वृक्षारोपण कार्य योजना

21. वन पर्यावरण और उसके लाभ

22. वन एवं वन्य जीव संरक्षण

23. वन संरक्षण के लिए सरकारी कानून और नीतियां

24. भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में वनों का योगदान

25. वन पारिस्थितिकी

26. भारतीय कृषि प्रणाली और फसल चक्र

UP Forest Guard Exam Pattern 2023

Before embarking on their preparation journey, candidates seeking to become Forest Inspectors with the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission should familiarize themselves with the UPSSSC Forest Inspector Exam Pattern 2023. This comprehensive outline contains crucial information, such as the number of questions, maximum marks, time duration, and the impact of negative marking, to ensure candidates are properly equipped to tackle the examination. For a concise overview of the UPSSSC Forest Inspector Exam Pattern 2023, refer to the information provided below.

  • The UPSSSC Forest Guard exam 2023 will be a traditional, offline examination.
  • The format of the questions will be objective and offered in both Hindi and English.
  • The exam will cover three main sections about Forestry.
  • The total number of Multiple Choice Questions in the UPSSSC Forest Gourd Exam will be in 100.
  • The time allotted for the exam is 2 hours.
  • Candidates will earn one point for each correct answer.
  • One correct answer will carry 1 Mark and A negative marking of 1/4 mark will apply, meaning a 1/4 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

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