Minimum Support Price for Kharif Crops 2023-24
Minimum Support Price (MSP)
The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is the lowest price at which the Government of India (GoI) would buy agricultural products from farmers. It is released by the Government of India at the start of the sowing season for specific crops based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).
The MSP is a form of market intervention by the Government of India to protect agricultural producers from a severe drop in farm prices. It is also used to ensure that farmers receive a fair price for their produce and to safeguard them against distress sales.
Minimum Support Price for Kharif Crops 2023-24
Crops MSP 2022-23 MSP 2023-24 Cost* KMS 2023-24 Increase in MSP over 2022-23 Margin over cost in per cent Paddy -Common 2040 2183 1455 143 50 Paddy-Grade A^ 2060 2203 - 143 - Jowar-Hybrid 2970 3180 2120 210 50 Jowar- Maldandi^ 2990 3225 - 235 - Bajra 2350 2500 1371 150 82
Ragi 3578 3846 2564 268 50
Maize 1962 2090 1394 128 50
Tur /Arhar 6600 7000 4444 400 58
Moong 7755 8558 5705 803 50
Urad 6600 6950 4592 350 51
Groundnut 5850 6377 4251 527 50
Sunflower Seed 6400 6760 4505 360 50
Soybean (Yellow) 4300 4600 3029 300 52 Sesamum 7830 8635 5755 805 50 Nigerseed 7287 7734 5156 447 50
Cotton (Medium Staple) 6080 6620 4411 540 50 Cotton (Long Staple) ^ 6380 7020 - 640 -
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