Father Of Different Disciplines Of Agriculture – AgriBooks

Father Of Different Disciplines Of Agriculture

Famous Agricultural Scientists and their major role in Agriculture Development by research and discoveries. Famous agriculture person list and their contribution. Father Of Different Disciplines Of Agriculture are mention in table below.


Related Personalities

Father of Modern Tillage

Jethro Tull

Father of Modern Agronomy

Pietro de Crescenzi

Father of Zero Tillage

JB Triplet/Jim McCutcheon

Father of Organic Farming

Sir Albert Howard

Father of Minimum Tillage

E.H. Faulkner

Father of Plant Pathology

Heinrich Anton de Bary

Father of Green Revolution

Norman Borlaug

Father of Ornamental Gardening

M.S. Randhawa

Father of Agriculture Chemistry

Justus Won Liebeg

Father of Indian Rust

K.C. Mehta

Father of Indian Plant Pathology

E.J. Butler

Father of Green Revolution in India

M.S. Swaminathan

Father of Bt Cotton in India

C.D. Mayer

Father of Horticulture

Liberty Hyde Baily

Father of Indian Horticulture

Dr. M.H. Marigowda

Father of Indian Modern Horticulture

Dr. K.L. Chadha

Father of Golden Rice

Ingo Potrichus

Father of Super Rice

G.S. Khush

Father of Hybrid Rice

Yuvan Long Ping

Super Wheat

S. Nagrajan

Bt-cotton in India

C.D. Mayee

Proteto (Protein rich potato)

Ashish Dutta

Green House effect

J.B. Fourler

Father of Drip Irrigation

Symcha Blass

Father of Systematic Pomology


Father of Pedology


Father of Agro-climatology


Father of Indian Agro-metrology

LA Ramdas

Irrigation Agronomy

Dr. NG Dastane

Father of Cropping System

Dr. SS Bains

Irrigation Engineering

AM Michele

Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer (SRNF)

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

CRI stage of Wheat

BL Bhardwaj



IW/CPE Ratio (Irrigation Water/ Cumulative Pan Evaporation)

Parihar et al 1974

Transplanting in Pearl millet

Dr. Gautum

Hybrid Corn

GH Shull

Hybrid Rice in India

EA Siddique


Karl Ereky

Genetic Engineering

Paul Berg

Tissue Culture

G Habertlandt

Biodynamic Farming

Roudlof Steiner

Natural Farming

Masanobu Fukuoka

Centre of Origin

Nikolai Vavilov

1. Indian Vavilov
2. Famous Okra Breeder in India

Dr. Harbhajan Singh

Kinnow (Man Made Fruit)

H.B. Frost

Father of Grape Breeding

Harold P. Olmo

Bordeaux mixture

Pierre Marie Alexis Millardet


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