Social and Farm Forestry BSc Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Social and Farm Forestry BSc Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Social and Farm Forestry for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Social and Farm Forestry e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Social and Farm Forestry for B.Sc. Agriculture.

  1. Role of forests – productive role – food, fuel, clothing, shelter, timber and non-timber forest produce and protective role – climate amelioration, soil and water conservation, habitat for wildlife, purification of atmosphere.
  2. Status of Indian forests – Comparison with other countries, National Forest Policy, 1988
  3. Agroforestry – definition – different terminologies – components – the distinction between agroforestry and social forestry. Benefits and constraints of agroforestry
  4. Classification of agroforestry systems on a structural, functional, socioeconomic, and ecological basis
  5. Agrisilvicultural systems – improved fallow species in shifting cultivation, taungya system, multi-species tree garden, alley cropping, multipurpose trees and shrubs on farmlands, crop combinations with plantation crops, fuel wood plantations
  6. Shelter belts, windbreaks, soil conservation hedges
  7. Silvopastoral system – protein bank, live fence of fodder and hedges and trees and shrubs on pasture
  8. Agrisilvipastural systems – homestead, woody hedgerows for browse, mulch, green manure, soil conservation – other systems
  9. Planning in agroforestry – Diagnosis, and Design
  10. Agroforestry systems for seven agro-climatic zones in Tamil Nadu
  11. Role of trees in soil fertility – Economics of agroforestry
  12. Community forestry – the evolution of social forestry concepts – Social forestry in Tamil Nadu, Interface forestry – JFM, TAP
  13. Wasteland development – definition – extent, and classification. Suitable trees for problem soils – planting technique for wastelands. Trees in soil and water conservation. Afforestation for sand dune stabilization, mine burden, coastal and hilly areas
  14. Silvicultural practices for Teak, Eucalyptus and Tamarind
  15. Silvicultural practices for Ailanthus, Neem, Pungam and Prosopis
  16. Silvicultural practices for Casuarina Silk cotton, Acacias, and Bamboo

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