Manures Fertilizers & Agrochemicals ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Manures Fertilizers & Agrochemicals ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Manures Fertilizers & Agrochemicals for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Manures Fertilizers & Agrochemicals e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Manures Fertilizers & Agrochemicals for B.Sc. Agriculture.

  1. Manures- types, composition, and value- sources
  2. Green manure- oil cakes- sewage sludge- biogas plant and animal refuges
  3. Composting of organic wastes- composting technologies
  4. Classification of fertilizers- N, P, and K fertilizers
  5. Nitrogenous fertilizers- sources- the fundamental process involved in manufacturing procedures of ammonia, sulphuric acid nitric
    acid and phosphoric acid
  6. Manufacturing of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium chloride
  7. Manufacturing of urea
  8. Slow release of N fertilizers- chemically modified form- urea formaldehyde
  9. Controlled release fertilizers and reaction in soil- nitrification inhibitors
  10. P fertilizers- rock phosphate- bone meal- basic slug
  11. Single and Triple super phosphate- Thermo phosphates-method of manufacturing
  12. Potassic fertilizers- manufacturing of KCl, K2So4, and schoenite
  13. Secondary and micronutrients fertilizers- manufacturing zinc sulfate, and ferrous sulfate
  14. Complex fertilizers- manufacturing ammonium phosphate nitro phosphates and NPK complexes
  15. Mixed fertilizers- sources- preparation- their compatibility advantages
  16. Biofertilizers- symbiotic and nonsymbiotic
  17. Impact of fertilizers on the environment
  18. Fertilizers control order and fertilizers storage
  19. Organic chemistry as a prelude to agrochemicals- a diverse types of agrochemicals, Pesticide formulation- sprays- emulsion concentrates- water miscible liquids- dust – wettable powders
  20. Pesticide formulation- granules, fumigants, and aerosols manufacture- characteristic and use- insecticide classification
  21. Organophosphate- use of monocrotophos, phosphamidon, and chlorpyriphos
  22. Organophosphates- characteristics, preparation, and use of phorate, phosalone, dimethoate, and quinalphos
  23. Carbamates- characteristics, preparation, and use of carbaryl, carbofuran, carbo sulfan, and aldicarb
  24. Botanicals- characteristics, preparation, and use of neem products, nicotine, and pyrethrum
  25. Characteristics, preparation, and use of synthetic pyrenoidsfenvalerate
  26. Herbicides- mode of action- classification of organic herbicides- characteristics
  27. Fungicides- classification- inorganics- characteristics, preparation, and use of sulfur and copper- mode of action
  28. Organic fungicides- mode of action- characteristics, preparation, and use of zineb
  29. Systematic fungicides -benomyl, carboxin, oxy carboxin, metalaxyl, carbendazim, characteristics and uses
  30. Insecticide act- the compatibility of pesticides with fertilizers and other agrochemicals
  31. The fate of pesticides in soil and plant
  32. Plant growth regulators

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