Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Download the free B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF of Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management content index. Download the pdf of Dimensions of Agriculture Extension e Krishi Shiksha.

Topics Name of Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management pdf e-course.

  1. Diseases of Citrus
  2. Diseases of Mango
  3. Diseases of Banana
  4. Diseases of Grape
  5. Diseases of Pomegranate and Papaya
  6. Diseases of Guava and Sapota
  7. Diseases of Apple
  8. Diseases of Chilli
  9. Diseases of Brinjal
  10. Diseases of Okra
  11. Diseases of Potato
  12. Diseases of Cucurbits
  13. Diseases of Crucifers
  14. Diseases of Tomato
  15. Diseases of Beans
  16. Diseases of Onion and Garlic
  17. Diseases of Coconut and Oil Palm
  18. Diseases of Mulberry
  19. Diseases of Betelvine
  20. Diseases of Coffee
  21. Diseases of Tea
  22. Diseases of Rose
  23. Diseases of Chrysanthemum
  24. Diseases of Jasmine
  25. Diseases of Crossandra

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