Citrus: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management
1. Foot Rot or Gummosis Diseases of Citrus
Causal Organism:Â Fungus; Phytophthora parasitica, P. palmivora, P. citrophthora
- Symptoms of the condition manifest as yellowing of leaves, followed by bark cracking and the formation of abundant gum on the surface.
- The primary mode of infection is through the use of infected planting material.
- The extensive gumming eventually leads to complete decay of the bark, causing the tree to dry out due to a girdling effect.
- In some cases, the plant may experience heavy blossoming prior to death, with the fruits failing to mature before the plant perishes.
- Applying Bordeaux mixture to the stem, specifically, 1 meter above the ground level, has been found to be effective in controlling the disease.
- Additionally, spraying and drenching with Ridomil MZ 72 at a concentration of 2.75 g/l or Aliette at 2.5 g/l has shown to be effective in managing the disease.
2. Ganoderma Root-Rot Diseases of Citrus
Causal Organism: Fungus; Ganoderma lucidum
- The disease first appears in the soil, damaging one or more lateral roots.
- The fungus spreads along the surface of the bark, gradually darkening in colour.
- The fungus advances towards the base of the main trunk over time.
- As the condition progresses, the damaged tissues become noticeably light, bloated, and spongy due to water accumulation.
- During the wet season, bracket-like fungal fructifications may grow near the base of the trunk, suggesting the presence of the disease.
- In the plant basin, Aureofungin solution (1.5 g in 5 litres of water) and Vitavax (500 ppm) are effective.
3. Dry Root Rot
Causal Organism: Fungus; Macrophomina phaseolina
- It is distinguished by fluid degradation of the bark in the early stages and a dry shredded bark condition with hard, dead wood underlying in the later stages.
- The afflicted roots have a foul aroma.
- The affected tree defoliates and produces a large number of small-sized fruits.
- Applying Bordeaux mixture to the stem.
4. Scab or Verucosis
Causal Organism: Fungus; Elsinoe fawcettii
- The lesions begin as little semi-translucent spots on the underside of the leaves and progress to sharply defined pustular elevations.
- Later phases of development frequently result in twisted, wrinkled, stunted, and malformed leaves.
- Lesions on the fruit are corky protrusions that frequently rupture into scabs.
- A circular depression with a pink-to-red centre can be seen on the opposite surface of the warty growth.
- Spraying of Bordeaux mixture or Blitox (0.3%) is quite effective.
5. Citrus Canker
Causal Organism: Bacteria; Xanthomonas citri
- During the wet season, it is the most dangerous bacterial disease of sour lime.
- Symptoms of the disease emerge on the leaves, branches, and fruit stalks.
- Canker lesions begin as yellowish patches that develop to form elevated, rough brownish pustules.
- These pustules have a distinct golden halo around them. Canker lesions on the fruits are limited to the rind and do not enter the fruit’s flesh.
- During February, October, and December, three sprays of Streptocycline 100 ppm (10 g Streptocycline + 5 g Copper Sulphate in 100 litres water) or Blitox (0.3%) or neem cake suspension (1 kg in 20 litres water) might control the disease.
6. Tristeza Virus Quick Decline Disease
Causal Organism: Virus
Vector: Aphid (Toxoptera citricida)
- The symptoms begin with the dieback of small branches and twigs, yellowing of leaves and heavy bearing of small fruits.
- As the disease advances the symptoms, intensify resulting in severe chlorosis and mottling.
- The feeder roots of the affected plants die, the bark of the larger roots is distorted and brittle, and dry rot symptoms are observed in the case of lateral roots.
- After 7-8 years the branches of the affected plant dry up completely and the plants wilt completely.
- Few trees show wilting symptoms overnight and completely dry up in 2 or 3 days.
- The best way to combat this disease is to limit the aphid population by the use of pesticides in nurseries and plantations.
7. Greening Diseases of Citrus
Causal Organism: MLOs
Vector: Grafting and Citrus psylla (Diaphorina citri)
- The affected trees are stunted, with noticeable leaf and fruit drops. Some branches on the damaged tree have significant twig dieback signs, while others appear to be normal.
- The fruits of affected trees stay predominantly green even after maturity, and those that are directly exposed to sunlight have a noticeable yellow area on the rind surface.
- Disease fruits are worthless due to their small size, distortion, low juice content, and bland flavour.
- Controlling the vector population can help to keep this disease at bay in the field. Nymphs and adults are controlled by spraying Phosphamidon (0.025%) or Parathion (0.025%).
- Dimethoate 10% granules applied to the soil around the plant basin effectively control citrus psyllids.
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