Pomegranate: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Pomegranate: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Diseases of Pomegranate 1. Cercospora Fruit Spot Causal organism: Fungus; Cercospora punicae. Symptoms The disease affects pomegranate plants and causes spots on leaves and fruits. Early-stage symptoms include yellowish spots with a halo around them, which grow in size and become blackish. The lesions are covered with a dull white crust of fungal growth. Severe […]

Aonla: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Aonla: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Anola Diseases 1. Rust Causal organism: Fungus; Revenelia emblicae. Symptoms Initially, a few black pustules form on the fruits, which later expand into a ring. The pustules connect and cover a large region of the fruit. After rupturing a papery coating, the black spores are revealed. It is believed that fruit infection does not spread to the […]

Plum: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Plum is a popular fruit crop in India, grown for both domestic consumption and export. Plum has different species, but in India, mainly Japanese plums are commercially cultivated and originated in China. In this blog, we mentioned the important diseases of plum that affect plum production. 1. Plum Pocket Causal organism: Fungus; Taphrina maculans. Symptoms […]

Peach: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Peach is a fruit crop grown commercially in temperate regions of the world. Among temperate fruits, the peach requires the lowest chilling temperature. Peach belongs to the family of Rosaceae. In this blog post, we outlined the most important diseases of peach crops which affect peach fruit yield. 1. Peach leaf curl disease Causal organism: […]

Pear: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Pear is an important fruit crop grown mainly in the temperate climate of the world. Among temperate fruits, the pear is a highly cultivated fruit crop in India followed by Apple. In this post, we mentioned some of the most important diseases of pear that affect fruit yield, as well as their causing organism, symptoms, […]

Litchi: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Litchi, also called lychee, is a tropical fruit tree native to China. Litchi is an important fruit tree that is susceptible to different diseases, caused by the fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the important litchi diseases are mentioned in this post: 1. Leaf Blight Causal Organism: Fungus; Alternaria alternata. Symptoms: A common disease in […]

Grape: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Grapes are one of the most popular fruits in the world. However, like other crops, grapes are susceptible to diseases of grape caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and mycoplasma. Grape cultivation is called Viticulture or Viniculture. This post will explain the important diseases of grape, their cause, symptoms and management. Diseases of Grape 1. Anthracnose […]

Jackfruit: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. It is subject to diseases of jackfruit that can affect its development, productivity, and overall health. Here’s a rundown of some common diseases, their symptoms, and care for jackfruit crops: Diseases of Jackfruit 1. Die Back Causal Organism: Fungus; Botryodiplodia theobromae Symptoms: Bark discolouration […]