Custard Apple: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management
Custard apple, also known as sugar apple, sharifa, sitaphal, and sweet Soap. is a fruit tree native to the tropical regions of South and Central America. The scientific name of the custard apple is Annona squamosa, and it belongs to the family Annonaceae. Custard apple is the most common fruit which is highly cultivated among annonaceous members. diseases of custard apple are mentioned below:
Custard Apple Diseases
1. Fruit Rot or Anthracnose
Causal organism: Fungus; Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.
- Infection occurs at the fruit’s blossom end and spreads to the entire fruit surface; infected fruits shrivel and may cling to the tree or fall down.
- Unripe fruits develop necrotic patches, which turn dark brown to black.
- These patches eventually merge and cover the entire fruit.
- Spray carbendazim 0.1% or chlorothalonil 0.2%.
2. Alternaria Leaf Spot
Causal organism: Fungus; Altereria alternata.
- Small yellowish spots appear along the leaf margins first, then enlarge and transform into brownish patches with concentric rings.
- Severe infection causes defoliation and dryness.
- Infected fruits and rachis develop dark brown-purplish patches just below their attachment to the shoots.
- Spraying of thiophenyte methyl 0.2% or pyraclostrobin + metiram 0.1%.
3. Diplodia Rot
Causal organism: Fungus; Botryodiplodia theobromae.
- Purplish to black patches or blotches on the fruit’s surface, subsequently covered with white mycelia and black pycnidia.
- Diplodia rot is defined by its dark interior discolouration and widespread corky rotting.
- Depending on the existence of secondary microorganisms, the penetrated flesh softens or hardens and breaks.
- Spraying of trifloxystrobin 0.1% or zineb 0.2%.
4. Black Canker
Causal organism: Fungus; Phomopsis annonacearum.
- Spots with irregular shapes ranging from little specks to big blotches.
- Spots have a feathery edge that is unclear.
- Tissue damage beneath the spots is no deeper than 10 mm.
- Spraying of tricyclazole 0.1% or Spraying of pyrocostrobin 0.1%.
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