Bihar STET Agriculture Syllabus 2023
bihar stet syllabus
Bihar STET Notification 2023

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has posted the Bihar STET 2023 Notification on their official website. Bihar STET Notification 2023 will include important information about the exam, which is used to determine candidates’ eligibility to work as secondary teachers in Bihar schools. The deadline to apply online for Bihar STET 2023 has been extended to August 25th, 2023. Refer to the material discussed in the article for more information. Get the Bihar STET Syllabus for Agriculture Subject.

Bihar STET 2023 Important Dates
Bihar STET 2023 Important Dates
Important Events Dates
Bihar STET Online Form 2023 Last Date 25th August 2023 (Extended)
Last Date to Submit Application Fee 25th August 2023
Bihar STET Admit Card 2023 To be notified
Bihar STET Exam Date 2023 To be notified
Bihar STET Agriculture Syllabus

Unit I: Ecology and its relevance to man

Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their management and conservation. Physical and social environment as factors of crop distribution and production. Climatic elements as factors of crop growth, impact of changing environment on cropping pattern as indicators of environments. Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans.

Unit II Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar

Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar; Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of the country-with special reference to North Bihar and South Bihar, Impact of high-yielding and short duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns in Bihar. Concept of multiple cropping, mixed cropping, relay and intercropping and their importance in relation to food production. Package of practices for production of important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar and commercial crops grown during kharif and rabi seasons in different regions of the country. Important spices crops of Bihar-chillies, ginger, turmeric and coriander.

Unit III Forestry

Important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as extension/social forestry, agro forestry and natural forests.

Unit IV Weeds, their characteristics

Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination and association with various crops, their multiplication; integrated weed management; cultural, biological and chemical control of weeds.

Unit V Soil Formation.

Processes and factors of soil formation, classification of Indian soils including modern concepts, Major soil types of Bihar; Mineral and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil productivity. Problem soils-extent and distribution in India; Problems of soil salinity, alkalinity and acidity and their management. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial elements in soil and plants, their occurrence, factors affecting their distribution, functions and cycling in soils. Symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use; bio-fertilizers. Problems of Tal Diara and chour lands in Bihar, cropping system in such situations.

Unit VI Soil conservation

Soil conservation planning on water-shed basis, Erosion and runoff management in foot hills and valley lands; processes and factors affecting them Dry land agriculture and its problems. Technology for stabilizing agriculture production in rainfed agriculture area. Water use efficiency in relation to crop production criteria for scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducing runoff losses of irrigation water. Drainage of Water-logged soils. Role of different command area Development Agencies in agricultural development of Bihar.

VII Agricultural Marketing

Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs; price fluctuations, Types and systems of Farming and factors affecting them. Role of Co-operative marketing and credit in agricultural development of Bihar.

Unit VIII Agricultural Extension

Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programmes; Important extension methods and media, rural leader ship, socio-economic survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers and landless agricultural labourers. Farm mechanisation and its role in agricultural production and rural employment. Training programmes for extension workers. Krishi Vigyan Kendras, role of non-government organisations (N.G.Os) in extension.

Unit IX Plant Breeding

Application of principles of plant breeding to the improvement of major field crops, methods of breeding of self and cross-pollinated crops. Introduction selection, hybridisation heterosis and its exploitation. Male sterility and self-incompatibility, utilisation of Mutation and polyploidy in breeding, use of biotechnology and tissue culture in agriculture.

Unit X Heredity and Variation

Heredity and variation, Mendel’s law of inheritance, chromosomal theory of inheritance, cytoplasmic inheritance, sex linked, sex influenced and sex-limited characters. spontaneous and induced mutations. Quantitative characters.

Unit XI Important Recommended Varieties of Principal crops in Bihar

Important recommended varieties of principal crops in Bihar. Origin and domestication of field crops. Morphology patterns of variation in varieties and related species of important field crops, causes and utilisation of variation in crops improvement.

Unit XII Seed Technology

Seed Technology and its importance; production, processing and testing of seeds of crop plants. Role of National and State seed organisation in production, processing and marketing of improved seed.

Unit XIII Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits and vegetables in Bihar

Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits and vegetables in Bihar; their recommended package of practices. Handling and marketing problems of fruits and vegetables; principal methods of preservation, important fruits and vegetable products. Processing techniques and equipment. Role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition; landscape and floriculture including raising of ornamental plants and design and lay-out of lands and garden. Diseases and pests of field, vegetable, orchard and plantation crops of Bihar and their causes and management. Classification of plant diseases; principles of plant diseases control including exclusion, eradication, immunization and protection. Biological control of pests and diseases. Integrated management of pests and diseases. Pesticides and their formulation. Plant quarantine.

XIV Storage pests of cereals and pulses

Storage pests of cereals and pulses; hygiene of storage godown, preservation and remedial measures. Hazards of pesticides use and safety measures

Bihar STET Agriculture Educational Qualification

Graduate in Agriculture / Horticulture from a recognized University / Institute in the following subject group with minimum 50 percent marks and a post graduate qualification in Agronomy / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Entomology / Plant Pathology / Seed Science & Technology / Soil Science / Horticulture.

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