Agricultural Microbiology B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Agricultural Microbiology B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agricultural Microbiology notes PDF for B.Sc. Agriculture by ICAR E-Course. Get a complete PDF with the content index of Agricultural Microbiology e Krishi Shiksha.

Name of Topic in PDF of Agricultural Microbiology

  1. History of Microbiology: Spontaneous Generation Theory
  2. Germ Theory of Disease
  3. Protection Against Infections
  4. Metabolism in Bacteria
  5. ATP Generation
  6. Microbial Metabolism: Autotrophs
  7. Bacteriophages: Structure and Properties of Bacterial Viruses
  8. Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles; Phage Multiplication Cycle
  9. Viroid, Prions
  10. Bacterial Genetics
  11. Gene Expression
  12. Recombination in Bacteria
  13. Genetic Engineering – Plasmid, Episomes
  14. Genetically Modified Organisms
  15. Soil Microbiology: Microbial Groups in Soil
  16. Microbial Transformations of Carbon
  17. Microbial Transformations of N, P, and S
  18. Biological Nitrogen Fixations
  19. Phyllosphere Bacteria
  20. Composting
  21. Environmental Microbiology
  22. Microbiology of Food: Microbial Spoilage
  23. Principal of Preservations
  24. Role of Bacterial in Fermentation
  25. Benificial Microorganism in Agriculture
  26. Microbial Agent for Control of Plant Diseases
  27. Biogas Production
  28. Biodegradable Plastics
  29. Plant-Microbe Interactions
  30. Bioremediation
  31. Biosensor
  32. Microbial Products

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