Principles of Plant Biotechnology B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Principles of Plant Biotechnology ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Principles of Plant Biotechnology for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Crop Principles of Plant Biotechnology e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Principles of Plant Biotechnology for B.Sc. Agriculture.

Agronomy JRF

  1. Concepts of Biotechnology
  2. Tissue culture and its history
  3. Scope and importance in crop improvement
  4. Totipotency and Morphogenesis
  5. Nutritional requirements
  6. Techniques of in vitro cultures
  7. Micropropagation
  8. Haploid production and uses
  9. Ovule culture
  10. Ovary and embryo culture
  11. Test tube fertilization
  12. Endosperm culture
  13. Factors influencing morphogenesis
  14. Somaclonal variation and crop improvement
  15. Somatic embryogenesis
  16. Protoplast isolation
  17. Products of somatic hybrids and cybrids
  18. Genetic engineering in plants
  19. Enzymes used in Genetic Engineering
  20. Vectors: The carriers of DNA molecules
  21. Gene cloning
  22. Gene delivery methods in plants
  23. Transgenic plants and their applications
  24. Blotting techniques
  25. DNA fingerprinting
  26. QTL mapping

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