Aonla: Diseases, Symptoms and their Management
Anola Diseases
1. Rust
Causal organism:Â Fungus;Â Revenelia emblicae.
- Initially, a few black pustules form on the fruits, which later expand into a ring.
- The pustules connect and cover a large region of the fruit.
- After rupturing a papery coating, the black spores are revealed.
- It is believed that fruit infection does not spread to the leaves.
- Spray of Chlorothalonil @ 0.2 % reduced the disease up to 69.75 percent. Three sprays of wettable sulphur (0.4%), and Zineb (0.2%) during July and September.
2. Sooty Mould
Causal organism:Â Fungus;Â Capnodium spp.
- Sooty mould anola diseases cause a velvety covering of black fungal growth on the surface of leaves, twigs and flowers.
- Spray starch @ 2%, lambda-cyhalothrin @ 0.05% and wettable sulphur @ 0.2% can be mixed in starch if the infection is more.
3. Blue Mould
Causal organism:Â Fungus;Â Penicilium citrinum.
- It generates brown blotches and water-soaked places on the surface of the fruit.
- As the condition advances, three distinct colours emerge in succession: bright yellow, purple-brown, and lastly bluish-green.
- Drops of yellowish liquid are flowing from the fruit’s surface.
- The fruits have a foul scent and eventually, take on a bluish-green beaded look.
- Treatment of fruits with borax or sodium chloride (1%) checks the blue mould infection.
- Treatment with carbendazim or thiophanate methyl 0.1% after harvest.
4. Soft Rot
Causal organism:Â Fungus;Â Phomopsis phyllanthi.
- Within 2-3 days of infection, smoke brown to black circular lesions appear.
- The infected regions eventually turn olive brown, with water-saturated areas extending towards both ends of the fruits, giving an eye shape.
- During the month of November, fruits were treated with Difolatan (0.15%), Dithane M-45, or Bavistin (0.1%).
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