Rural Welfare Activities and Programmes in India – AgriBooks
SI.No | Name of the Activity | Starting Year | Name of the Worker | Objectives/Remarks |
1 | Scheme of Rural Reconstruction at the Sunderbans in Bengal | 1903 | Sir Daniel Hamilton |
2 | Cooperative Movement | 1904 | F. Nicholson | Individually financed |
3 | Sri Niketan (W.Bengal) | 1914 | Rabindra Nath Tagor | Concept of Village Level Worker (Sriniketan experiment in Bengal-1920) |
4 | Gurgaon Project (Haryana) | 1920 (1927) | F.L. Brayne | Concept of village guide |
5 | Sevagram (Maharashtra) | 1921 | M.K.Gandhi | To spread Charkha and Khadi |
6 | Marthandom Project | 1921 | Spencer Hatch | With the help of YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) |
7 | Baroda Village Reconstruction Project | 1932 | Shree BT Krishnamachari |
8 | Rural Development | 1935 | Rural Development Department of British India (R.D.D.B.I.) | - |
9 | Grow More Food Campaign | 1942 | R.D.D.B.I. | Biggest Project of Pre-Independence |
10 | The Bombay Plan | 1944-45 | Purshotamdas Thakurdas, JRD Tata, GD Birla |
11 | The Gandhian Plan | 1944 | Shriman Narayan Agarwal |
12 | Indian Village Service | 1945 |
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13 | The People�s Plan | 1945 | MN Roy |
14 | Firka Development Scheme | 1946 | Madras Govt. | Firka (A group of 5-20 villages, promote khadi &village industries) |
15 | Nilokheri Project (Haryana | 1948 | S.K. Dubey | Refugee Re-habitation Project, Create Mazdoor Manzil |
16 | Indian Village Service | 1950 | W.H. Wisher | - |
17 | Key Village Scheme | 1952 | Gov. of India |
18 | Etawah Pilot Project | 1948 | Albert Mayer | Average District Plan |
19 | Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) | 1948 | International Organization | - |
20 | Planning Commission | 1950 | Govt. of India | - |
21 | Sarvodaya (Bombay) | January, 1950 | Vinoba Bhave | - |
22 | Five-year plan | 1951 | Govt. of India | - |
23 | Training and Development Centers | 1951 | Govt. of India | - |
24 | Bhoodan Movement | 1951 | Vinoba Bhave | Started in Pochampali (A.P.) |
25 | Gramdan Movement | 1952 | Vinoba Bhave | Started in Mangroth (U.P.) |
26 | Community Development Project (CDP) | 2nd Oct, 1952 | Govt. of India | Overall development of rural areas with people's participation. |
27 | National Extension Service | 2nd Oct, 1953 | Govt. of India | - |
28 | Community Development Block | 1954 |
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29 | UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) | 16-Nov-55 | International Organization | - |
30 | Kharif & Rabi Movement | 1958 | Govt. Of India | - |
31 | Nalagarh Committee Report | 1958 | Govt. of India | Recommended for All India Agricultural Services |
32 | Intensive Agriculture District Programme (IADP) | 1960-61 | Govt. of India | Also k/s Package Programme, To provide loan, seeds, fertilizers, tools to the farmers. |
33 | Multiple Cropping Scheme | 1960 | Govt. of India | - |
34 | Panchayati Raj | 02-Oct-59 | Govt. of India | On the recommendation of Balwant Rai Mehta committee (Started in Nagor, Rajasthan) |
35 | National Seed Corporation | 1963 | Govt. of India | - |
36 | Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation | July, 1963 | Govt. of India | - |
37 | Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP) | 1963-64 |
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38 | Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IAAP) | 1964 | Govt. of India | To develop the special harvests. |
39 | National Demonstration Project | 1965 | Ministry of Food & Agriculture | - |
40 | High Yielding Varietal (HYVP) | 1965 | Govt. of India | To increase productivity of food grains by adopting latest verities as inputs of crops. (Mother Scheme of Green Revolution) |
41 | Administrative reforms commission | 1966 | Govt. of India | - |
42 | State Seed Corporation Of India | 1969 | Govt. of India | - |
43 | Small Farmer Development Agency (SFDA) | 1971-72 | Govt. of India | For technical and financial assistance to small farmer |
44 | Marginal Farmer and Agriculture Laboures Programme (MFAL) | 1970-71 |
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45 | Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP) | 1970-71 |
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46 | Pilot Project for Tribal Development | 1972-73 |
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47 | Training & Visit Programme | 1974 | Danial Benor | Also k/s Baster & Benor Scheme |
48 | Integrated Rural Development Programme | 1978-79 |
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49 | Command Area Development Programme | 1974-75 | Govt. of India | To insure better & rapid utilization of irrigation capacities of medium and large projects. |
50 | National Seed Programme | 1975-76 | Govt. of India | - |
51 | Regional Rural Banks | 1975 | Govt. of India | Provision of credit & other facilities specially to small & marginal farmers (Regional Rural Banks Act-1976) |
52 | Antyodaya Programme | 1977 | Govt. Of Rajasthan | Based on the Philosophy of Gandhiji |
53 | Desert Development Programme | 1977-78 | Govt. of India | For controlling the desert expansion & maintaining environmental balance. (Started in Rajasthan) |
54 | Lab to Land Programme (LLP) | 1979 | ICAR | For transfer of proved & viable low cost agricultural technologies to small & marginal farmers and landless laborer to improve their socio-economic condition. |
55 | Training of Rural Youth for Employment (TRYSEM) | 1979 | Govt. of India | Basic Principle: Learning by doing |
56 | National Rural Employment | 1980 | Govt. of India | - |
57 | National Rural Employment Programme (NREP) | 1980 |
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58 | Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) | Launched in 1978 (Implimeted in 2nd Oct, 1980) | Govt. of India | Aim: All round development of family Approach: Poorest to poor first. |
59 | NABARD | 12thJuly, 1982 | Govt. of India | First chairman: Sri B. Sivaraman |
60 | Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) | 1973-74 | Govt. of India | To try an expedient for protection from drought by achieving environmental balance & by developing the ground water. |
61 | Development Rural Employment Programme (DWCRA) | 1982 |
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62 | National Agriculture Extension Project (NAEP) | 1983 |
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63 | Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) | 1983-84 | Govt. of India | For providing employment to landless and labors. |
64 | Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO) | 1986 |
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65 | Jawahar Rojgar Yojana (JRY) | 1989 |
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66 | National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP) | 1998 | Govt. of India | - |
67 | Jawahar Gram Smriddhi Yojana (JGSY) | 1999 | Govt. of India | - |
68 | Technology Assessment and Refinement- Institute Village Linkage Programme (TAR-IVLP) | 1999 |
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69 | Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarozgar (SGSY) | 1st April, 1999 | Govt. of India | For eliminating Rural poverty and unemployment & promoting self-employment. |
70 | Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) | 25th Dec, 2000 | Govt. of India | To line all village with pacca road. |
71 | Sampoorna Gramin Rojgar Yojana (SGRY) | 25th Sept, 2001 | Govt. of India | Providing employment and food security. |
72 | Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) | 2000 |
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73 | Khetihar Mazdoor Bima Yojana | 2001-02 | Govt. of India | Insurance of landless agricultural workers. |
74 | Rozgar Guarantee Programme (RGP) | 2005 | Govt. of India | - |
75 | National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NAREGA) | 02-Feb-06 | Govt. of India | To provide at least 100 days wage employment in rural areas (100 days employment) |
76 | National Agriculture Innovation Project (NAIP) | 2006 |
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77 | Food Safety and Standards Act | 2006 | Government of India |
78 | National Food Security Mission | 2007 | Govt. of India | - |
79 | FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) | 2011 | Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. |
80 | Jan Dhan Yojana | 28-Aug-14 | Govt. of India | To connect more and more peoples from the banking services |
81 | SKILL India Mission | 28-Aug-14 | Govt. of India | Skill Development in Youth |
82 | Make in India | 28-Sep-14 | Govt. of India | Promoting manufacturing Sector in the country |
83 | Swachchh Bharat Mission | 02-Oct-14 | Govt. of India | Making India a clean country till October 2,1919 |
84 | Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana | 11-Oct-14 | Govt. of India | Development in the villages which includes social development, cultural development. |
85 | Shramew Jayate Yojana | 16-Oct-14 | Govt. of India | Plan dedicated to labor development |
86 | Hridaya Plan (National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana) | 21-Jan-15 | Govt. of India | To take care of world heritage sites and to make these sites economically viable. |
87 | PM Mudra Yojana | 08-Apr-15 | Govt. of India | Loan to small businessmen from 50 thousand to 10 lakh. |
88 | Ujala Yojana | 01-May-15 | Govt. of India | Distribution of LED bulbs at low price to reduce electricity consumption |
89 | Atal Pension Yojana | 09-May-15 | Govt. of India | Monthly pension for people from the unorganized sector b/w age of 18 to 40 Years |
90 | Prime Minister Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana | 09-May-15 | Govt. of India | Life insurance of Rs 2 lakh for people b/w 18 to 50 Years (@Premium of Rs. 330 per annum) |
91 | Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana | 09-May-15 | Govt. of India | General insurance/accident insurance for people between 18 and 70 years of 2 lakh (at premium of 12 Rs./year) |
92 | Smart City Scheme | 25-Jun-15 | Govt. of India | Developing 100 selected cities of the country as smart cities from 2015 to 2020 |
93 | AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) Plan | 25-Jun-15 | Govt. of India | Developing all the basic amenities in more than 500 cities which have more than one lakh population |
94 | Digital India Mission | 02-Jul-15 | Govt. of India | Making all government services electronically available to the public |
95 | UDAY (Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana) | 20th November, 2015 | Govt. of India | Financial turnaround of Power Distribution Companies of Public Sector |
96 | Start-up India | 16-Jan-16 | Govt. of India | To Promote new enterprises |
97 | Setu Bhartam Yojana | 04-Mar-16 | Govt. of India | Construction of Over and Under Bridge to make National Highways Railway Crossing free |
98 | Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday | 14-24 April, 2016 | Govt. of India | Emphasizing the development of villages for proper development of the country |
99 | Prime Minister Ujjwala Plan | 01-May-16 | Govt. of India | Providing The LPG connection to BPL families at subsidized rates |
100 | Namami Gange Yojana | 07-Jul-16 | Govt. of India | Cleanliness of river Ganga |
101 | PM-KISAN | Launched- 24 Feb, 2019, and enforcement in 1 Dec-2018 | Govt. of India | The Supplement the financial needs to farmers in processing various in put to ensures proper crop health and appropriate yields, commensurate with the anticipated farm income |
102 | Atal Bhoojal Yojana | 25-Dec-19 | Govt. of India | The main objectives of Atal bhoojal Yojana (Water conservation scheme) are to recharge groundwater and create sufficient water storage for agricultural purposes. |
103 | Jal Jeevan Mison | 15-Aug-19 | Govt. of India | The Scheme aims to provide drinking water connections to all home by 2024. |
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