MP Block Technology Manager (BTM) Syllabus
MP Block Technology Manager (BTM)
The Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department has invited applications for the posts of Block Technology Manager (BTM). The total number of BTM posts are 134. Candidates who are Master in Agriculture and related subjects (Agriculture/Horticulture/Agriculture Engineering) and should have computer proficiency are eligible for this post. MP BTM Vacancy 2023.
MP Block Technology Manager (BTM) Syllabus
1. Agriculture, its importance in national economy, agro-climatic and agro- ecological zone, geographic distribution of crop plants. Agriculture heritage, Sustainable agriculture.
2. Important crop of India and M.P. Package of practices for cultivation of cereal, Pulses, oilseeds, Sugar, Fiber and forage crops; Different cropping systems, Farming system, Crop rotations, multiple and relay cropping, intercropping, mixed cropping and sequence cropping. Integrated crop management, Geoinformatics, Nano technology and precision farming.
3. Crop weather relationship, floods, Cold waves and frosts, Meteorological services to agriculture. Climate change and climate resilient agriculture, Remote sensing, contingent crop planning.
4. Soil as a medium for plant growth and its Composition, minerals and organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production, Soil types of India and M.P. Chemical, Physical and microbiological properties of soils, Essential plant nutrients, their functions and deficiency symptoms, Occurrence and Cycling in soils, Straight, complex and mixed fertilizers and bio-fertilizers manufactures and marketed in India, Integrated nutrient management for plant. Management of problem soils such as saline, alkali and acid soils. Soil and water management Irrigation methods, soil erosion, its causes and control measures, Rain Water conservation; Watershed development, Rainfed farming principles and practices.
5. Bio-chemistry /Physiology / Microbiology / Environmental Sciences: Fundamentals of Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, fundamentals of crop physiology, agricultural microbiology, environmental studies and Disaster management, Introduction to forestry.
6. Elements of genetics and plant breeding as applied to improvement of crops, development of plant hybrids and composites, important hybrid and composites varieties of crops.
7. Important fruits and vegetable crops of M.P. and India, their package of practices Crop rotation, intercropping and companion crop. Role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. Post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables.
8. Integrated weed management (IWM), Serious weeds and their control. Principles of plant protection measures integrated control of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases affecting major crops. Storage pests management, rodents managements.
9. Principles and objective of surveying. Contouring, Farm development, land capability classification, Farm machinery and equipments. Bullock drawn and power driven Farm implements, Mechanization and its relevance and scope in India. Seed bed preparation land shaping, seeding and intercultural tools or equipments, plant protection equipments, harvesting and threshing machines, post harvest machinery, Care and maintenance before and after use of farm implements and machinery. Protected cultivation and secondary agriculture.
10. Economics with reference to agriculture Farm planning and management for enhanced production, Factors of Crop production and production relationships, marketing of agricultural produce and regulated markets in M.P. Price of agricultural produce and its role in agricultural development. Impact of economic reforms on agriculture business. Principle and objectives of agricultural extension. Extension organization at the district and block levels, their structure, functions and responsibilities. Methods of Communication role of farm organizations in extension services. Women in agriculture, Women entrepreneur, Women empowerment; Opportunities for agriculture entrepreneurship and Rural enterprise.
11. Reasoning.
12. General Knowledge: Current Affairs, Indian Macro Economy GK about M.P.
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