MP Assistant Technology Manager (ATM) Syllabus
MP Assistant Technology Manager
The Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department has invited applications for the posts of Assistant Technology Manager (ATM). The total number of ATM posts are 651. Candidates who are graduated in Agriculture and related subjects (B.Sc. Agriculture/Horticulture/Agriculture Engineering) are eligible for this post. MP ATM Vacancy 2023.
MP Assistant Technology Manager Syllabus
1. General Agriculture
Agriculture and its importance in national economy.
2. Agronomy
Major Crops of MP, Agrotechniques of major field crops of MP.
Farming systems and sustainable Agriculture.
Introductory Agro Meterology, Agro-climatic and Agro-ecological zones.
3. Soil Science
Soil and its composition and its role in crop production, physical, Chemical, and biological properties of soil. Essential plant nutrients, their function and dynamics: Integrated nutrient management, Problem soils and their management.
4. Soil and water conservation, Watershed management
5. Plant Physiology
Absorption, translocation and metabolism of nutrients, Photosynthesis and respiration, Growth and development, growth regulators.
6. Crop Improvement
Elements of genetics and plant breeding as applied to crop improvement.
7. Horticulture
Package of practices of important fruit vegetable Spices and economically important flowering plants, Nursery management and propagation methods of horticultural crops. Problems (unfruitfulness, alternate bearing, fruit drops etc.) and physiological disorders and their management. Post-harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables.
8. Plant Protection
Important insect pests and diseases affecting important crops and their management. Components of integrated pest and disease management Spray equipments, their selection and maintenance. Rodent management. Safety precautionary measures during pesticide usage.
9. Agricultural Economics
Meaning, principles of economics as applied to agriculture, Farm planning and resource management for optimal production. Farming systems and their economic role. Marketing of agricultural produce and regulated markets in MP including initiatives like (e-chaupal) Price of agricultural produce and its role in agricultural production.
10. Agricultural Extension Education
Philosophy, objectives and principles of extension. Extension organizations at the state, district and block levels, their structure, functions and responsibilities. Methods of communication. Role of farmer’s organizations in extensions services. Role and importance of trainings. Important rural development programmes in India.
11. Reasoning.
12. General Knowledge: Current Affairs, Indian Macro Economy GK about M.P.
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