Introductory Nematology B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course Free PDF Download

Introductory Nematology B.Sc. Agriculture ICAR E-Course PDF Download

Download the Agriculture E-Course pdf of Introductory Nematology for B.Sc. Agriculture. PDF of Introductory Nematology e-Krishi Shiksha pdf for B.Sc. Agriculture is systematically arranged with a content index.

Name of Topic in E-Course pdf of Introductory Nematology for B.Sc. Agriculture.

  1. Introduction
  2. History of Nematology in India
  3. Morphology and Anatomy of Nematodes
  4. Anatomy- Inner Body Tube
  5. Anatomy- Oesophageal glands
  6. Male Reproduction System
  7. Biology of Plant Parasitic Nematode
  8. Taxonomy of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
  9. Ecological Classification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
  10. Identification of Economically Important Plant Nematodes
  11. Symptoms caused by Nematodes
  12. Interaction of Nematodes with Micro-Organisms
  13. Different methods of Nematodes Control
  14. Biological Control
  15. Integrated Nematode Management

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