Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
History of ICAR
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was established in 1929 as an autonomous organization to advise the government on agricultural research and education in India. ICAR is responsible for coordinating and managing the research activities of various agricultural research institutions across the country and for providing direction and guidance to the national agricultural research system.
The ICAR, previously known as the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, of 1860. This autonomous organization operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), which is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in the government of India. The establishment of ICAR was based on the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. The ICAR headquarters is in New Delhi.
The ICAR serves as the premier organization for coordinating, guiding, and overseeing research and education in agriculture, including horticulture, fisheries, and animal sciences across India. With a network of 111 ICAR institutes and 71 agricultural universities nationwide, it is among the largest agricultural systems globally.
From 1950-51 to 2017-18, the ICAR has made significant contributions to India’s agriculture sector’s growth and development, mainly through its research and technology advancements. This has resulted in a five times increase in food grain production, a ten times increase in horticultural crops, a sixteen times increase in fish production, a ten times increase in milk production, and a fifty-two times increase in egg production. The ICAR’s efforts have played a pioneering role in the Green Revolution and subsequent advancements in Indian agriculture.
Development of ICAR
- In 1926, the Royal Commission of Agriculture was established and headed by Lord Linlithgow. It recommended the creation of the Imperial Council of Agriculture Research to promote, guide, and coordinate agriculture research in India.
- On July 16, 1929, the ICAR was established as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, of 1860 based on the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Agriculture.
- In 1947, the name was changed from the Imperial Council of Agriculture Research to the Indian Council of Agriculture Research.
- In 1963, a team of experts led by Dr. Marion W. Parker of USDA was appointed as the Agriculture Review Team.
- In 1965, Dr. BP Pal was appointed as the first Director-General of ICAR and initiated the All India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRPs).
- In 1966, based on the recommendations of the Agriculture Review Team, ICAR was made a fully autonomous organization.
- In 1973, the Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE) was created in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
- Also in 1973, the Agriculture Research Service (ARS) was established based on the Gajendragadkar Report of 1972.
- In 1975, the Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB) was established on November 1, 1975, as an independent recruitment agency based on the recommendations of the Gajendra Gadkar Committee.
- President of ICAR: The President of ICAR is the Union Minister of Agriculture.
- DG of ICAR: The Director-General of ICAR is the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE).
- First President of ICAR: Khan Bahadur Sir Mohammad Habibullah was the first President of ICAR.
- First DG of ICAR: Dr. B.P. Pal was the first Director-General of ICAR.
Milestones of ICAR
- 1957: The first All-India Co-ordinated Research Project on Maize was initiated.
- 1958: The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) was accorded the status of a Deemed University.
- 1960: The first State Agricultural University on a land grant pattern was established at Pantnagar.
- 1966: Different agricultural research institutes were placed under the purview of ICAR.
- 1973: The Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) was created in the Ministry of Agriculture.
- 1974: The first Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) was opened at Puducherry (Pondicherry).
- 1975: The Agricultural Research Service and Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board were established.
- 1979: The Lab-to-Land Programme and the National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) were launched.
- 1995: The Institution-Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) was initiated.
- 1996: The National Gene Bank was established in New Delhi.
- 1989: ICAR was bestowed with the King Baudouin Award for its contribution to the Green Revolution. 2004: ICAR was awarded the King Baudouin Award again for its research and development efforts made under the partnership in Rice Wheat Consortium.
- 1998: The National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) was launched.
- 2005: The National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) was launched.
Mandate of ICAR
- Plan and coordinate research and development of technology for sustainable agriculture
- Provide support and guidance for agricultural education to cultivate quality human resources
- Offer on-the-ground extension services for technology application, knowledge management and capacity building for rural development in the agriculture sector
- Provide policy guidance, cooperate and offer consultancy services in the fields of agricultural research, education, and extension.
Vision of ICAR
The ICAR continuously adapts its goals and strategies to keep up with the evolving environment. In the year 2000, the council developed its first comprehensive strategy, “Vision 2020,” to address challenges and opportunities in the field. Five years later, the “Perspective Plan” and “ICAR Vision 2030” were created to align with the XI plan. The most recent strategy, “ICAR Vision 2050,” serves as the foundation for promoting innovation-driven, inclusive, and sustainable growth in agriculture in India.
Research Institutes of ICAR
- Deemed Universities: Recognized as premier institutions of higher learning in agriculture and related fields.
- Institutions: Dedicated to specialized areas of research, education, and extension.
- Directorates/Project Directorates: Implements programs in critical areas of agriculture research.
- National Bureaux: Engages in research, development, and transfer of technology in various areas of agriculture.
- National Research Centres: Addresses the need for integrated, multi-disciplinary research in key areas of agriculture.
Awards by ICAR
1. Sardar Patel Outstanding Agricultural Institution Award
The award is given by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to recognize and encourage institutions that have made exceptional contributions to the field of agriculture and rural development.
2. Chaudhary Devi Lal Outstanding AICRP Award
The award is given by the ICAR to recognize the exceptional achievements of All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) in the field of agriculture. The award is named after the former Deputy Prime Minister of India, Chaudhary Devi Lal.
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Awards for Outstanding Post-Graduate Agricultural Research
Jawaharlal Nehru Awards for Outstanding Post-Graduate Agricultural Research are awarded by the ICAR to recognize and encourage young scientists who have made significant contributions to the field of agricultural research through their post-graduate studies.
4. Punjabrao Deshmukh Woman Agricultural Scientist Award
The Punjabrao Deshmukh Woman Agricultural Scientist Award is an award instituted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to recognize the outstanding contributions of women agricultural scientists in the field of agriculture research and development.
5. Vasantrao Naik Award For Research Applications in Dryland Agriculture
The Vasantrao Naik Award is given to recognize and encourage innovative research applications in dryland agriculture, aimed at improving the livelihoods of farmers in the semi-arid regions of India. It is one of the prestigious awards offered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and is named after Vasantrao Naik, the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
6. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Awards
The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Awards are given by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for the Outstanding Agricultural Research in Tribal Areas.
7. Jagjivan Ram Kisan Puruskar
Jagjivan Ram Kisan Puruskar is an award given by the ICAR to recognize farmers and rural entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to the field of agriculture and rural development. The award is named after Jagjivan Ram, a prominent Indian freedom fighter and politician who was dedicated to the welfare of farmers and rural communities.
8. Chaudhary Charan Singh Award
The Chaudhary Charan Singh Award for Excellence in Journalism in Agricultural Research and Development is an award given by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to recognize and encourage journalists who have made exceptional contributions in reporting on agriculture and its related fields.
9. N.G. Ranga Farmer Award
This award is given by the ICAR to recognize farmers who have made significant contributions to the agricultural sector through innovative practices and sustainable farming methods.
10. Dr Rajendra Prasad Puruskar
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Puruskar is an award presented by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for technical books written in Hindi in the field of agricultural and allied sciences.
11. National and Zonal Krishi Vigyan Kendra Awards
The ICAR established the National and Zonal Krishi Vigyan Kendra Awards to acknowledge exceptional work by Krishi Vigyan Kendra at both the national and zonal levels. These awards aim to incentivize exceptional performance by KVK and foster a sense of pride within the institution for its contributions to the development of extension education and technology application models.
12. ICAR Norman Borlaug Award
The ICAR Norman Borlaug Award is given by the ICAR in recognition of scientists who have made significant contributions to agricultural research and development in India. The award is named after Norman Borlaug, who is widely regarded as the father of the Green Revolution,
13. Jagjivan Ram Abhinav Kisan Puraskar
The Jagjivan Ram Abhinav Kisan Puraskar is an award instituted by the ICAR to recognize the contributions of young and innovative farmers for promoting sustainable agriculture practices and improving farm productivity.
14. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award
The Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award is an award instituted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in recognition of individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the field of agriculture in India.
15. Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award
The Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award, established by the ICAR, recognizes the exceptional agricultural extension efforts by scientists and teachers in the ICAR-SAU system. The award aims to incentivize excellence in agricultural extension methodology and education.
16. Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Protshahan Puraskar
ICAR has instituted the Pandit DeenDayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Protshahan Puraskar awards to encourage competition among KVKs, recognize efficient KVK performance, promote the use of science and technology in agriculture, and foster pride among KVKs for improving farming outcomes through scientific methods.
17. Haldhar Organic Farmer Award
In order to recognize the outstanding contributions of the farmers in the area of organic farming, ICAR has instituted an annual award titled Haldhar Organic Farmer Award.
18. ICAR Cash Award Scheme
The ICAR has established a cash award scheme to acknowledge outstanding performance by employees in administrative, technical, and support categories in ICAR research institutes, NRCs, bureaus, and ZCUs.
Magazines by ICAR
1. Indian Horticulture (bi-monthly magazine in English)
- It was started in 1956 to give information about the new techniques of raising vegetables, fruits, and flowers.
- It covers the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, gardening, landscaping, plantation crops, and medicinal and aromatic plants.
- Consists of sections for research, aesthetics, technology, and prospects and a column on genetic diversity.
2. Indian Farming (Monthly magazine in English)
- Most authoritative and popular farming magazine in India since 1940.
- It covers all aspects of farming in varied agro-climatic conditions all over India -Crops, animals, poultry, fish, agricultural technology, extension, agricultural economics, and agricultural policies.
- The aim is to present scientific information in a popular style to the progressive farmer and people interested in the application of science to day-to-day problems in farming.
- It has editorial pages, articles, and book reviews.
- Two special issues are planned every year. One in October on ‘World Food Day’ and another on any special occasion; accent issues are also brought out on subjects topical.
3. Kheti (Monthly magazine in Hindi)
4. Phal Phool (Bi-monthly magazine in Hindi)
Research Journals by ICAR
1. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- This publication is dedicated to experimental agriculture and is widely recognized by all the major abstracting services.
- The articles published cover a broad range of topics, including cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases and pests, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics.
- The emphasis is on original articles from India and countries with similar agricultural conditions.
- Short notes featuring preliminary data of relevance are also published.
- Additionally, the publication includes book reviews and expert-written review articles that identify gaps in research and offer suggestions for future work.
- In 1997, the publication underwent a change in size and cover design.
2. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences
- This journal serves a diverse audience including veterinarians, researchers, and students.
- The articles published cover a range of topics related to animal science including animal breeding and genetics, immunology, biotechnology, diseases, medicine and pharmacology, anatomy and histology, surgery, pathology, physiology, nutrition, animal products like milk, meat, and others, housing, and fisheries.
- It includes original articles, short notes, review articles, and book reviews.
- The journal is widely recognized and abstracted by all major abstracting services around the world.
- In January 1997, the journal underwent a change in its size and cover design.
Hindi publication by ICAR
1. कृषि विज्ञान
(I) आधुनिक मृदा संरक्षण एवं जल प्रबंध
(II) फसल पोषण
(III) ग्रीन हाउस प्रोधोगिकी
(IV) वर्षा आश्रित टिकाऊ खेती
(V) बायोगैस
(VI) बहुफसली खेती
2. पशु एवं मत्स्य विज्ञान
(I) डेयरी पशु प्रजनन समस्याएं एवं प्रबंधन
(II) भैंस पालन
(III) मधुमक्खियों की दुनिया और उनका पालन
(IV) आधुनिक कुक्कुट पालन
(V) पशुओं के रोग और रोकथाम
3. बागवानी विज्ञान
(I) आधुनिक फल उत्पादन
(II) मसलों की खेती
(III) पपीते की सफल बागवानी
(IV) सब्जी विज्ञान
(V) सब्जियों का बीजोत्पादन
(VI) जड़ी बूटियों की खेती
(VII) पोदीना
(VIII) भारत में अंगूर
(IX) शीतोष्ण फलों की वैज्ञानिक खेती
(X) गुलाब
Source: ICAR
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