Adverse Condition of Weather for Crop Production – AgriBooks
Different weather condition and their adverse effect on crop production is mentioned below:
1. Frost:- A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing. Frost can affect many plants, and is particularly damaging to tender new growth and blossom in the spring. Papaya, banana, aonla, tomato, coriander, mustard are sensitive to frost.
- Spray of 0.1% of H2SO4.
- Apply irrigation.
- Use of Electric Heater.
- Should be covered small size fruit plants by jute bag.
2. Loo/Hot Wind:- It is a strong, hot and dry summer wind from the north-west which blows over the western Indo-Gangetic Plain region of North India and Pakistan. It is especially strong in the months of May and June. It leads to flower and fruit drop. It also increases rate of evaporation and transpiration, that result in wilting of plant.
- Wind breaker (Neem, Jamun, Desi Mango, Dalbergia, Mulberry is suitable for wind breaker) and shelter belt should be planted in North-West direction.
- Application of irrigation.
- Mulching should be practiced for minimization of the rate of evaporation.
- Chemical should be applied which control transpiration rate.
- Stomata Closing Type:-Atrazine, phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA), ABA, CO2 and sodium agzmaid.
- Film Forming Type:- Silicone, hexadienol, lime.
- Reflecting Type:- Lime, kaoline, silicon.
- Growth Retardant:- Cycocel and ABA.
- Lime should be applied on stem for check of lenticular transpiration.
3. Cold Wind/Shit Lahar:- It is cool wind from the Himalaya in winter which blows over the north to south India. Cold wind decreases the environmental temperature which leads to chilling injury in plants and also minimize the production.
Control:- Apply irrigation. Small size fruit tree cover by jute bag.
4. High Rain fall:- It causes waterlogging condition which check the respiration of roots result in plant dead.
Control:- Should be managed with good water drainage facility.
5. Low rain fall:- It causes water stress for crops which lead wilting of plant.
- Collect rain water.
- Apply irrigation.
- Mulching should be practiced.
- Apply chemical which control transpiration rate:
- Stomata Closing Type:-Atrazine, phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA), ABA.
- Film Forming Type:- Silicone, hexadienol, lime.
- Reflecting Type:- Lime, kaoline, silicon.
- Growth Retardant:- Cycocel and ABA.
- Lime should be applied on stem for check of lenticular transpiration.
Classification of Fog.
a) Thick Fog: Restricts visibility up to 45 meters
b) Moderate Fog: Restricts visibility up to 450 meters
c) Thin Fog: Restricts visibility up to 9000 meters.
Measurement of temperature:
1. Celsius: in Celsius scale, the melting and boiling point of water are 0 and 100 °C respectively.
C = (F-32) 5/9
2. Fahrenheit : in Fahrenheit scale, the melting and boiling point of water are 32 and 210 °F
F = C (9/5) + 32
3. Kelvin : absolute temperature is measured in Kelvin units.
When there is no activity of molecules of substances, then it is said to be at 0 °K.
The melting point of water in Kelvin scale is 273 °K
K = C + 273.
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