Physiological Disorders Related to Plant Nutrients – AgriBooks

Physiological Disorders Related to Plant Nutrients

What is Physiological Disorder: Physiological plant disorders are caused by non-pathological conditions such as poor light, adverse weather, water-logging, phytotoxic compounds or a lack of nutrients, and affect the functioning of the plant system. ~ Wikipedia

Physiological Disorders Related to Plant Nutrients

Physiological Disorder

Nutritional Effects

Internal Necrosis in Mango

B Deficiency

Hard fruit in citrus

B Deficiency

Heart Rot, Crown Rot of Sugarcane and marigold

B Deficiency

Hen & Chiken Diseases in Grapes

B Deficiency

Millerandage in Grape

B Deficiency

Fruit Necrosis of Aonla

B Deficiency

Cracking in Tomato

B Deficiency

Browning/Brown rot/Red rot of Cole Crops (Cauliflower

B Deficiency

Black Spot of Mango

B Deficiency and Toxicity of SO2

Black Spot of Pea

B Deficiency

Brown Heart/Crown Heart/Heart rot in Beet Root and Radish

B Deficiency

Akashin in Radish

B Deficiency

Top Sickness of Tobacco

B Deficiency

Yellow top of Lucerne

B Deficiency

Fruit Cracking in Pomegranate and Beal

B Deficiency and water imbalance

Splitting in Carrot

B Deficiency, Excessive N, Imblance in soil moisture

Calyx end rot in Grape and Persimmom

Ca Deficiency

Bitter pit or cracking in Apple

Ca Deficiency

Hypocotyl Cracking/Necrosis in French Bean

Ca Deficiency

Pillow in Cucumber

Ca Deficiency

Tip Hooking

Ca Deficiency

Blossom end rot in Tomato

Ca Deficiency + High temperature + Irregular moisture supply

Cavity spot in Carrot

Ca Deficiency, Excessive N, Change in soil moisture

Tip Hooking of Cauliflower, Beet and Tobacco

Ca Deficiency

Blossom end rot in Watermelon

Ca Deficiency, High temperature, irregular moisture

Popping in groundnut

Ca Deficiency

Leaf Scorching in Mango

Cl toxicity and K deficiency

Exanthema/Ammoniation/Dieback of citrus

Cu Deficiency

Little leaf in Citrus

Cu Deficiency

White Tip of Cereal

Cu Deficiency

Reclamation Diseases

Cu Deficiency

Stem Melanosis of wheat

Cu Deficency

Black Tip in Mango

Due to SO2 of smoke and sometime B deficiency

Akiochi in Rice

Excess H2S

Blossom end rot Chilli

N toxicity and water deficiency

Soft nose of Mango

Ca toxicity and N toxicity

Golden Flack in Tomato

Excess of calcium oxalate and low K:Ca ratio

Hollow Stem in Cole crops

Excessive Nitrogen

Yellowing or Iron Chlorosis in Groundnut

Fe Deficiency

Improper Bunch Filling in Banana

K Deficiency

Rosttle of Beet

K Deficiency

Blotchy Ripening of Tomato

K Deficiency

Leaf burning and Leaf scorching

K Deficiency

Chlorosis in Cole Crops

Mg Deficiency

Sand Drown of Tobacco

Mg Deficiency

Grey Spike in Barley and Oat

Mn Deficiency

Marsh Spot (Storage disorder) in Pea

Mn Deficiency

Speckled Yellow of Sugarbeet

Mn Deficiency

Phala Blight of Sugarcane

Mn Deficiency

Yellow leaf of citrus

Mo Deficiency

Whiptail in Cauliflower

Mo Deficiency


N Deficiency

Buttoning in Cole crops

N Deficiency, Late transplanting of eary variety


N Deficiency.

Black Heart in Potato

O2 Deficiency in Storage

Sickle Leaf Disease

P Deficiency

Tea Yellow Diseases

S Deficiency

Leaf Mottling/Frenching of citrus

Zn Deficiency

Little leaf in plants

Zn Deficiency

Bronzing in Guava

Zn Deficiency

Rossette leaves in Apple

Zn Deficiency

Khaira diseases of Rice

Zn Deficiency

White Bud of Maize

Zn Deficiency

Frenching in Citrus

Zn Deficiency

Freckling of sugarcane

Si Deficency

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