Physiological Disorders Related to Plant Nutrients – AgriBooks
What is Physiological Disorder: Physiological plant disorders are caused by non-pathological conditions such as poor light, adverse weather, water-logging, phytotoxic compounds or a lack of nutrients, and affect the functioning of the plant system. ~ Wikipedia
Physiological Disorders Related to Plant Nutrients
Physiological Disorder | Nutritional Effects |
Internal Necrosis in Mango | B Deficiency |
Hard fruit in citrus | B Deficiency |
Heart Rot, Crown Rot of Sugarcane and marigold | B Deficiency |
Hen & Chiken Diseases in Grapes | B Deficiency |
Millerandage in Grape | B Deficiency |
Fruit Necrosis of Aonla | B Deficiency |
Cracking in Tomato | B Deficiency |
Browning/Brown rot/Red rot of Cole Crops (Cauliflower | B Deficiency |
Black Spot of Mango | B Deficiency and Toxicity of SO2 |
Black Spot of Pea | B Deficiency |
Brown Heart/Crown Heart/Heart rot in Beet Root and Radish | B Deficiency |
Akashin in Radish | B Deficiency |
Top Sickness of Tobacco | B Deficiency |
Yellow top of Lucerne | B Deficiency |
Fruit Cracking in Pomegranate and Beal | B Deficiency and water imbalance |
Splitting in Carrot | B Deficiency, Excessive N, Imblance in soil moisture |
Calyx end rot in Grape and Persimmom | Ca Deficiency |
Bitter pit or cracking in Apple | Ca Deficiency |
Hypocotyl Cracking/Necrosis in French Bean | Ca Deficiency |
Pillow in Cucumber | Ca Deficiency |
Tip Hooking | Ca Deficiency |
Blossom end rot in Tomato | Ca Deficiency + High temperature + Irregular moisture supply |
Cavity spot in Carrot | Ca Deficiency, Excessive N, Change in soil moisture |
Tip Hooking of Cauliflower, Beet and Tobacco | Ca Deficiency |
Blossom end rot in Watermelon | Ca Deficiency, High temperature, irregular moisture |
Popping in groundnut | Ca Deficiency |
Leaf Scorching in Mango | Cl toxicity and K deficiency |
Exanthema/Ammoniation/Dieback of citrus | Cu Deficiency |
Little leaf in Citrus | Cu Deficiency |
White Tip of Cereal | Cu Deficiency |
Reclamation Diseases | Cu Deficiency |
Stem Melanosis of wheat | Cu Deficency |
Black Tip in Mango | Due to SO2 of smoke and sometime B deficiency |
Akiochi in Rice | Excess H2S |
Blossom end rot Chilli | N toxicity and water deficiency |
Soft nose of Mango | Ca toxicity and N toxicity |
Golden Flack in Tomato | Excess of calcium oxalate and low K:Ca ratio |
Hollow Stem in Cole crops | Excessive Nitrogen |
Yellowing or Iron Chlorosis in Groundnut | Fe Deficiency |
Improper Bunch Filling in Banana | K Deficiency |
Rosttle of Beet | K Deficiency |
Blotchy Ripening of Tomato | K Deficiency |
Leaf burning and Leaf scorching | K Deficiency |
Chlorosis in Cole Crops | Mg Deficiency |
Sand Drown of Tobacco | Mg Deficiency |
Grey Spike in Barley and Oat | Mn Deficiency |
Marsh Spot (Storage disorder) in Pea | Mn Deficiency |
Speckled Yellow of Sugarbeet | Mn Deficiency |
Phala Blight of Sugarcane | Mn Deficiency |
Yellow leaf of citrus | Mo Deficiency |
Whiptail in Cauliflower | Mo Deficiency |
Starvation | N Deficiency |
Buttoning in Cole crops | N Deficiency, Late transplanting of eary variety |
Starvation | N Deficiency. |
Black Heart in Potato | O2 Deficiency in Storage |
Sickle Leaf Disease | P Deficiency |
Tea Yellow Diseases | S Deficiency |
Leaf Mottling/Frenching of citrus | Zn Deficiency |
Little leaf in plants | Zn Deficiency |
Bronzing in Guava | Zn Deficiency |
Rossette leaves in Apple | Zn Deficiency |
Khaira diseases of Rice | Zn Deficiency |
White Bud of Maize | Zn Deficiency |
Frenching in Citrus | Zn Deficiency |
Freckling of sugarcane | Si Deficency |
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