Important Diseases of Rice – AgriBooks
Disease of Rice/Paddy with their picture, causal organism, symptoms and management is mention below:
1. Blast or rotten neck of Rice/Paddy
Caused by Pyricularia oryzae.
- Most severe Blast or rotten neck disease of rice, known as ‘rich man’s disease’ because high N, high relative humidity and night temperature of 20°C are congenial for fungus.
- The fungus attacks the crop at all stages of crop growth (leaves, seed, panicle, nodes, etc.)
- Affected plant shows diamond shaped lesions, eye-shaped spots with grey or dark brown margin from leaf and leaf sheath.
- Air borne disease:- Conidia spread by wind cause secondary infection.
- Favorable conditions:- Low night temperature (15-20 ℃) & high Relative humidity 93-99%.
- Seed treatment with organomercurials like Agrosan GN @ 2.5 g/kg seed.
- Use of resistance varieties of paddy like Jaya, IR 8, IR 24, IR 64 etc.
2. Brown leaf spot of Rice/Paddy
Caused by: Helminthosporium oryzae or Cochliobolus miyabeanus.
- Responsible for Bengal famine of 1943.
- Symptoms appear as minute spots on the coleoptile, leaf blade, leaf sheath, and glume, being most prominent on the leaf blade and glumes.
Favorable conditions
- Temperature of 25-30with relative humidity above 80 per cent are highly favorable.
- Severe on K deficient soils.
- Treat the seeds with Thiram or Captan at 4 kg/kg.
3. BLB (bacterial leaf blight) of Rice/Paddy
Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae.
- bacterial leaf blight of rice is called Killer disease of rice.
- ‘kresek‘ symptom is seen in seedlings, 1-2 weeks after transplanting.
- Ooze test is used for this disease.
- Balance dose of Nitrogen because high N can make the disease aggressive.
- Use of tolerant varieties like IR 20, Pusa 2-21, TKM-6, Ajay etc.
4. Sheath blight of Rice/Paddy
Due to Rhizoctonia solani.
- Occurs in areas with high temperature (22-32°C) and relative humidity (85-100%)
5. Foot rot or bakanae disease or foolish seedling disease
Caused by Gibberella fujikuroi (prefect stage is Fusarium moniliforme)
- Kurosova; a Japanese scientist isolated GA from Gibberella fujikuroi fungus and found the cause of this disease.
- Due to this stunted growth and infertile seeds
Other Disease of Rice
S. No. | Disease | Pathogen |
6. | Blast of Rice | Pyricularia oryzae |
7. | Brown spot | Helminthosporium oryzae |
8. | Sheath blight | Rhizoctonia solani |
9. | False smut | Ustilaginoidea virens |
10. | Udbatta disease | Ephelis oryzae |
11. | Foot rot or Bakanae disease | Fusarium moniliforme |
12. | Bacterial leaf blight (Kresek) | Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae |
13. | Ufra disease | Nematode Ditylenchus angustus |
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