Getting enough vitamin A in your diet should avoid deficiency symptoms such as hair loss, skin issues, dry eyes, and night blindness.
One full sweet potato roasted in its skin contains 1,403 mcgTrusted Source of vitamin A, or 156% of the daily value.
Sweet potato
Spinach, like other leafy green vegetables, is high in nutrients.
Each half-cup of boiling spinach contains 573 mcgTrusted Source of vitamin A, or 64% of the daily value.
Beta carotene is abundant in carrots. Half a cup of raw carrots contains 459 mcg of vitamin A and 51% of the daily value.
Broccoli is another good source of vitamin A, with a half-cup providing 60 mcg Trusted Source, or 7% of a person's daily value.
A half-cup of raw sweet red bell pepper has 117 mcg of vitamin A, which is 13% of the daily value. This serving has only about 19 calories.
red pepper
A half-cup of cantaloupe contains 135 mcg of vitamin A.Because vitamin A degrades when heated, natural sources of this mineral are essential.