UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Syllabus 2024
UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Recruitment 2024
UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Recruitment 2024: Official recruitment notification for Supervisor has been released by the UKPSC on their official website for total of 13 Posts. Candidates can apply for the dairy supervisor recruitment online. Online Application has been started for UKPSC dairy Supervisor Syllabus; by 14 December, 2023.
UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Recruitment Syllabus: UKPSC has issued a job advertisement for the position of UKPSC Dugdh Supervisor 2024. Eligible candidates can apply for the Dugdh Supervisor post from the UKPSC official website.
Candidates who are eligible for the UKPSC Dugdh Supervisor position should study the exam syllabus carefully. ukpsc dugdh dairy supervisor syllabus. dugdh supervisor syllabus.
UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Syllabus 2024
Introduction to animal husbandry, Distinguishing characteristics of India and exotic breed of dairy animals and their performance, General dairy farm practices – identification, dehorning, castration, exercising, grooming, weighing.
Method of milking, milking procedure and practices for quality milk production. Detection of adulterants and preservatives in milk. Reception and treatment (pre processing steps) of milk in the dairy plant – reception, homogenization, effect of homogenization on physical properties of milk, bactofugation.
Collection and transportation of milk.Care of animals at calving and management of neonates. Dairy farm records and their maintenance. Systems of housing dairy animals and maintenance of hygiene and sanitation at dairy farm premises. Strength of common detergents and sanitizers used in market milk plant.
Common disease problems in dairy animals, their prevention and control. Management of lactating and dry cows and buffaloes. Identification of common feeds and fodders. Feed resources for milk production and their nutritive values. Digestive system of ruminants and measures of feed energy, Preparation of rations for adult animals. Nutrients requirements for growth and milk production. Milk secretion and milk let down.
Male and female reproductive system. Semen collection, processing, artificial insemination and embryo transfer and their role in animal improvement. Milking of dairy animals and cleaning and sanitation of milking equipment. Status and significance of traditional Indian milk product in India.
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UKPSC Dairy Supervisor Eligibility
(A) A certificate of completion for the intermediate-level examination in agriculture from the Board of Secondary Education in Uttaranchal or an equivalent examination recognized by the government. or
(B) A certificate of completion for the high school level examination from the Board of Secondary Education in Uttaranchal or an equivalent examination recognized by the government.
(C) A diploma in agriculture from a recognized institution, earned over a period of two years.
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