Agriculture Extension Education MCQ – 01

Agricultural Extension Education

Agriculture Extension Education MCQ

Agricultural extension Important Questions, Agricultural extension education Questions for all agriculture competitive exams. Agricultural Extension Education Questions for IBPS AFO, ICAR JRF, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, AAO, AEO, RHEO, SADO, SHDO and more exams.

1. Principle of Extension Education is:

(A) Learning by doing

(B) Learning by seeing

(C) Learning by reading

(D) Learning by hearing

(A) Learning by doing


2. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Etawah pilot – Albert

(B) Grow more food Campaign – J. L. Nehru

(C) Co- operative movement – M. K. Gandhi

(D) Sewagram Project – Vinoba Bhave

(A) Etawah pilot – Albert


3. The first KVK was established in 1974 at :

(A) Nagpur

(B) Sikar

(C) Nilokheri

(D) Pondichery

(D) Pondichery


4. Which of the following rural development project was launched before independence?

(A) Etawah pilot project

(B) Co- operative movement

(C) Community development

(B) National Extension service

(B) Co- operative movement


5. Television broadcast for rural development in India, started in:

(A) 1947

(B) 1957

(C) 1967

(D) 1977

(B) 1957


6. Cooperative society is basic institution for:

(A) Political growth of the villagers

(B) Social growth of the villagers

(C) Cultural growth of the villagers

(D) Socio-economic growth of the villagers

(D) Socio-economic growth of the villagers


7. Radio mass medium is characterised by:

(A) One-way with immediate feedback

(B) One way without instant audience response

(C) One way and colourful

(D) One way and timeless

(B) One way without instant audience response


8. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Mass – Exhibition

(B) Individual – Farm visit

(C) Group – Mela

(D) Mass – Newspaper

(C) Group – Mela


9. Read the following statement and mark your answers according to the code given below:

I. Newspaper is popular medium of communication in rural areas

II. Newspaper is written form of communication

III. Film show is audio visual form of communication

IV. Film show is popular medium of communication in rural areas

(A) I and III are correct

(B) II and III are correct

(C) III and IV are correct

(D) I and IV are correct

(B) II and III are correct


10. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (A) : Film is not effective medium in rural areas.

Reasons (R) : Film can not be projected with low voltage power.

(A) A is true but R is false

(B) R is true but A is false

(C) Both A and R correct and R is correct explanation of A

(D) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A

(B) R is true but A is false


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